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In recent weeks, a monumental three-volume work on the
life of HaRav Yosef Shlomo Kahaneman, the Ponevezher Rav,
zt'l, was published by the Mochon Chayei Yahadus Lita
of Bnei Brak. Written by the well-known author Rabbi Aharon
Surasky and the product of many years of research, it sheds
light on the life and times of this great leader of Torah
Jewry in Europe and Eretz Yisroel. The Ponevezher Rav was a
major public figure for more than twenty years in Europe, and
then in Eretz Yisroel, and a detailed account of his works
gives important insights into the state of all Jewry in his
The Rav was born on 28 Iyar, 5646 (1886) in the town of
Kuhl, a small town of about 500 of which about a third were
Jews. At the age of 14 he went to the Telshe Yeshiva, where
he learned until he was twenty. He then spent a half year in
Novardok, after which he spent three years in Radin under the
Chofetz Chaim. He married the daughter of the rov of Vidzh,
and took over there at the end of 5671 (1911), when his
father-in-law became the rov of Wilkomir. During the
upheavals of the First World War, he spent three years in
Coltinan cut off from his family, but not from the Torah.
Eighty years ago, HaRav Itzele Rabinowitz the rav of
Ponevezh, passed away on Friday 21 Adar I, 5679 (1919).
Within a few weeks HaRav Yosef Shlomo Kahaneman was appointed
the new rav of Ponevezh, a major Jewish community, at the
relatively young age of 33. His father soon passed away, on
28 Adar II in Kuhl. In honor of these occasions, we present
the following excerpts from this new major work. These
selections are but a small sample of the entire three volume
Intense Learning in Coltinan
To HaRav Moshe Portman, a survivor of Yeshivas Ponevezh in
Lithuania and a close friend and assistant of the Ponevezher
Rav, he poured out his heart on a rare occasion: "Who can
bring back bygone days, those pleasant, good years that I
lived in Coltinan . . . I learned the entire Shas
there . . . During the day, we learned in deep friendship and
had scholarly discussions, and at night, I learned alone . .
. There was no proper lighting, no candles to be found, not
even a drop of oil . . . All I could get was kainelach . .
. very thin, long, dried, wooden toothpicks that the
destitute villagers used to dispel a bit of darkness . . .
These kainelach are inserted into the wall, and before
one burns out, [one uses it to] light the second one . . . It
is impossible to describe the intense desire with which we
learned during those hours, when those kainelach were
burning in front of us, emanating a weak glow of light that
flickered on the letters of the gemora . . . Picture
this: all around, everything was pitch black, a thick
darkness pervaded both outside and inside; there was light
only on the page of gemora that I held in my hand . .
. The entire world was enveloped in darkness; there was light
only in the Torah . . ."
With these sweet words, he expressed the emotion that was
stored in his heart: "Now, like then, the entire world is
plunged into a dreadful darkness; there is light only in the
Torah . . ."
In another conversation, he said, "Rabbenu Asher (the Rosh)
lived in Europe during a most difficult period for the Jews,
and he did not even hint to it in his chiddushim, as
if it never occurred . . . as if the terrible decrees did not
affect him in the least . . . One sees clearly how he lived
in his own world, in the cocoon of Torah. Thus all our
gedolim lived through calamities . . . expulsions . .
. pogroms . . . the Jews of those times lived in another
world, a world that was completely theirs . . ." And as he
spoke, the listeners felt strongly how very applicable the
words were to him.
The Wisdom of Yosef Shlomo
During his exile in Coltinan, besides dedicating part of his
time to deliver regular shiurim to bnei Torah
and ba'alei batim, Rav Kahaneman found time for anyone
who had a problem and patiently listened to all requests.
Jews from the surrounding settlements, simple villagers, who
were unable to flee at the beginning of the war, flocked to
him with their she'eilos, their personal problems,
their pain and sorrow. Sometimes, two or three Jews would
come together and ask him to resolve an argument that sprang
up among them.
There was a widow with small children in Lingmian, a small
town ten kilometers away from Coltinan, who required the
Rav's assistance. Her husband, a talmid chochom from
Volozhin, was a well-to-do forest merchant who died in his
prime during the World War near Globoki. The widow sold his
share in the business to his former partners for quite a
respectable sum of money. She then lent the money to
merchants in Lingmian.
Meanwhile, the Russian Revolution occurred, the Czarist
government was overthrown, and the money lost all its value.
The merchants wanted to return the thousands of rubles in the
same form that they received it -- in money whose validity
had expired. The colored papers, bearing the large "Russian
Eagle" and numbers, were worthless.
There was no rov in Lingmian. They decided, therefore, to
bring the case to the visiting rov in Coltinan. The widow was
extremely distressed. Her brother and brother-in-law were
both reputable talmidei chachomim; her brother was a
rov and her brother-in-law, a gemora teacher. They
were fluent in halocho, and they realized that there
was good reason to worry. It seemed that the borrowers were
correct; where would help come from? Having no other choice,
they patiently waited for the rov of Coltinan's verdict. (By
the way, the Rov never took the customary fee for judging a
When he heard about the case, Rav Kahaneman did not ask them
to come to him, but like Shmuel Hanovi, he got up and
announced, "I am coming to you." He traveled in a horse-drawn
wagon to Lingmian. When he heard the widow's story and the
borrower's words, his heart sank. An unfortunate woman, a
destitute widow was standing before him, and they were
demanding a psak halocho. What could he do? It was an
explicit law "matbei'a shenifsal, omer lo harei shelcho
lifonecho," a coin that was disqualified, say to him here
is yours. (One can return the coin in its original form.)
After moments of deep thought, the Rov said, "I will
contemplate the matter, consult seforim, and in
another week im yirtze Hashem, I will know if I can
give a psak."
In fact, he did not tarry a whole week but two days later
unexpectedly returned to Lingmian. He summoned the litigants
and requested that they reiterate their claims.
In the course of the clarifications, he turned to the widow
and asked, "What kind of money did you lend them? Bank notes?
Please specify the exact denominations, how many thousand
ruble notes, how many hundreds, tens, fifties; please state
the size and value of the money."
The widow clearly remembered and began to list, "X thousand
ruble notes . . . such and such hundreds . . . twenties . . .
a purse full of gold coins . . . such and such ten ruble
notes . . . such and such five rubles . . ."
When the Rov heard her last words, his face lit up. He asked
the borrowers, "Is that true?" They acknowledged that they
received those amounts in notes and coins, exactly as the
widow had stated, down to the last coin.
Rav Yosef Shlomo declared, "If so, you have a psak din
that is not based on a sofeik: return the money
exactly as you borrowed it. Give the widow the amount she
lent in bank notes (which are now worthless) as well as the
gold coins she gave you, and tell her harei sheloch
The gratifying news of the Coltinan Rov's wise psak
din swiftly spread through the Jewish community of
Lingmian: The gold coins, inherently valuable, that obviously
became very expensive when the paper money became worthless,
covered the widow and orphans' entire fortune that almost
went down the drain.
Years later, when the widow's son who learned in Ponevezh
reminded him of the incident, he reacted with excitement.
"Now you definitely understand my situation then . . . After
I heard the complaints, I simply became sick from distress,
and at night, I could not close my eyes from a lack of peace
and tranquility . . . And behold, Hashem enlightened me."
Hagaon Reb Chaim Ozer Foresees his
Appointment as Rov of Ponevezh
In the second half of Adar, 5679, Rabbenu Yosef Shlomo began
traveling as a shaliach mitzvo and came to Vilna
alone. When he reached the city, he saw Bolshevik soldiers
swarming in every corner. Rumor had it that the commander,
Leib Trotsky, had arrived. The Torah observant Jews were
terrified. They had heard stories from the refugees that
crossed the Russian border about the persecution of religion
and religious people, about libels and harsh decrees, and
about the war to annihilate yeshivos and Torah personalities.
All hearts trembled with fear.
He immediately went to Reb Chaim Ozer zt'l, the
me'or hagoloh, who was alone in his house. He poured
out his worries: "I feel as if I am being suffocated by the
Bolsheviks, trapped by them . . ." He went on to disclose a
plan that had been forming in his mind, to flee across the
Polish border.
Reb Chaim Ozer asked, "It is difficult today to get a wagon
for travel; is the wagon and the driver that brought you
here, still outside?"
The Rov zt'l replied that he didn't know. Reb Chaim
Ozer said to him, with an inexplicable urgency, "Go out to
the street quickly and chase after them. You must return home
immediately. Don't wait even one more moment. Go back to
The explicit instructions of Reb Chaim Ozer were like a
psak din for him. He therefore hurried back to his
temporary home in Coltinan. Once there he received a telegram
from the leaders of the Ponevezh community inviting him to
come to their city immediately!
The thought swiftly passed through his mind: the spirit of
Hashem spoke through Reb Chaim Ozer. It was because of his
directions that Rav Kahaneman returned at exactly the right
time and did not miss the opportunity. On that very day,
Kovno in Lithuania gained independence and its borders were
closed. The roads from Vilna to here were now completely
sealed. If Reb Chaim Ozer had not urged him on, he would have
probably stayed there for a short time and then would have
been forced to remain for many more days.
How Did He Know?
About four and a half years later, on 3 Elul 5683, the first
Knessia Gedola of the world Agudas Yisroel convened in
Vienna. At this exalted gathering, held in the presence of
the Chofetz Chaim, Rabbenu Yosef Shlomo met HaRav Chaim Ozer
on his way to the hall, not having seen him since the fateful
meeting in Vilna. As he approached him, R' Chaim Ozer
joyfully greeted him with a wide smile and began speaking as
if he were continuing a conversation that had been
interrupted momentarily. "Now I will explain why I told you
to return home immediately."
In one breath, he continued, "I had received a telegram from
Ponevezh that HaRav Itzele had contracted typhus and that I
should try to send the Vilna doctor, Dr. Zemach Shabad. Then
another telegram was sent telling me that there was no need
for the doctor, but it did not mention the Rov's condition. I
understood that R' Itzele was no longer alive, and the
Ponevezh community would need to appoint a new rov. If you
would have traveled further, as you intended to do, where
would the Jews of Ponevezh find you? That is why I urged you
to go home quickly . . ."
"Who is a wise man? One who foresees the future!" Who is wise
like Reb Chaim Ozer, who saw from afar the events unfolding
and put all the pieces together at precisely the right
moment. To him, it was a foregone conclusion that Rabbenu
Yosef Shlomo was the one to inherit the position of the great
Reb Itzele.
At the time, the leaders of the Ponevezh community asked the
Rov zt'l to speak at the large eulogy that was held in
honor of Reb Itzele at the end of the shiva.
Immediately afterwards, the seven city elders came to him,
greatly excited and, in the name of the entire community,
asked him to fill the position.
The Ponevezher Rov
When Rabbenu Yosef Shlomo was invited to become the rov of
Ponevezh, a large, bustling city, he began the prime of his
life. It was during this time period that he became known
throughout the Jewish world. After all, who has not heard of
the Ponevezher Rov?
During this time -- twenty-one turbulent years from 5679
(1919) until 5700 (1940) -- he reached spiritual heights. His
tremendous inner strength and multifaceted talents were
revealed in their full glory, whether in the field of
rabbonus and spreading Torah, or in the field of communal
affairs both in his own city and for all of Klal
In a relatively short time, his unique triple position
crystallized. He was a creator and builder of the Torah
world, a rosh hayeshiva; and also the captain and
leader of Lithuanian Jewry; and also one who shouldered the
yoke of world Jewry in general. But first and foremost, he
was the Rov of Ponevezh.
Ponevezh was the anvil on which he worked with his spiritual
hammer. Over the years, many prestigious communities exerted
much effort to persuade him to become their rov, but he
declined all offers and continued as the rov of Ponevezh.
The leaders of Grodno, home of his teacher HaRav Shimon Shkop
zt'l and his yeshiva, came to him several times and
offered him a signed shtar harabbonus, but he did not
accept it. In 5687 (1927), he was called from Dvinsk to fill
the position of HaRav Meir Simcha zt'l, author of the
Or Somayach and one of the gedolei hador, after
his death on 4 Elul 5686, and he refused. The Orthodox
community of Frankfort, Germany, followers of Reb Shamshon
Raphael Hirsch zt'l, greatly urged him to become their
leader, but he did not agree. In 5680 (1920), the Rabbinical
Seminary of Berlin, founded by Reb Ezriel Hildesheimer
zt'l, wanted to appoint him their dean and to make him
the Rov of all the orthodox rabbonim in Germany, but he
declined and sent Reb Avrohom Eliyahu Kaplan zt'l, son
of the Rakover Illui, in his stead. During the later years,
he even received a written and sealed shtar harabbonus
from the largest city in Eretz Yisroel, Tel Aviv, but he
stayed in Ponevezh.
The Ponevezh Rabbonus
Numerous great talmidei chachomim, gedolei
olom, previously held the exalted the position of rov of
Ponevezh, from R' Avrohom Avli Yaffe zt'l (author of
Mesek Sifasayim on maseches Shabbos), followed
by R' Yaakov Bar Yitzchok Halevi zt'l, R' Shaul
Shapiro zt'l (author of Chemdas Shaul), and R'
Shmuel Bar Avrohom Shapiro zt'l (author of Me'il
Shmuel), to R' Moshe Iztel Segal zt'l from Libau,
R' Hillel Charif zt'l, to R' Eliyahu Dovid Rabinowitz
Te'omim zt'l, the Aderes, to R' Itzele Rabinowitz
Not even thirty-three years old, Rav Kahaneman decided to
fulfill the dictum of the wisest of all men (albeit in a
somewhat innovative interpretation): "Ubimkom gedolim al
ta'amod, do not stand in the place of great ones"
(Mishlei 25, 6). This posuk advises one in his
position: In a place that such great men served as rov, do
not stand still, do not rest on your laurels, but advance and
elevate yourself, grow . . .
Rav Kahaneman did not become conceited from the glory and
honor. In his later years, he once told Reb Yehoshua Zelig
Diskin in Eretz Yisroel, "Because I dedicated myself to Toras
Hashem, I had to renounce all honors and other pettiness and
weaknesses that the human race is afflicted with."
The Chofetz Chaim was informed of his appointment when he was
with his Radin students, deep in exile in Russia. He stood up
at the bima and announced happily, "We get a mazel
tov! Reb Yoshe Kular was appointed rov of Ponevezh!"
When the Rov zt'l later heard about the incident from
Rav Nisan Waksman zt'l, one of the students present at
the time, he tried to lessen its impact: "The Chofetz Chaim
was not referring to me, but rather to the talmidim of
the yeshiva to encourage and strengthen them, and to show
them that life will get back to normal and [as a sign of this
that] Klal Yisroel already needs rabbonim."
R' Moshe Zinowitz a"h, the veteran historian from
Lithuania, used to tell how some of the elders of the
Ponevezh community, who had been used to the famous rabbonim,
treated the young Reb Yosef Shlomo with honor mixed with
suspicion. "Although he had an excellent reputation
previously and the Rov of Vidzh was known as a multi-talented
activist, there were some older ba'alei batim in
Ponevezh who had their hesitations. Would his path be strewn
with roses even here?
"Reb Yosef Shlomo succeeded unexpectedly, and thanks to his
personality, Ponevezh blossomed. He knew how move mountains
to benefit the community, and even the nonobservant factions
respected him."
It was still a time of upheaval. The Jewish community in
Ponevezh, which was over two hundred years old, almost
completely disintegrated during the stormy days of the First
World War. The beautiful city, nestled on the banks of the
Nevizhe River, on mountains and plains, was passed from one
hand to another -- from the Russians to the Germans, from the
Germans to the Russians -- each one competing in their hatred
for the Jews and tormenting them to the utmost. Now, at the
end of the war, the Bolshevik revolutionists controlled
Ponevezh, and they cruelly aborted any attempt to revive
traditional communal life.
In spite of everything, it was clear to Rabbenu Yosef Shlomo
from the very first day of his appointment, that he would
establish a yeshiva here, a large, respected yeshiva that
would spread Torah to Klal Yisroel. The instructions
of his rebbe, the Chofetz Chaim, that he should not become a
rov without establishing a yeshiva because his main purpose
in life was to be a marbitz Torah, was the deciding
factor in all his decisions. When he began contemplating how
to rebuild the destroyed Ponevezh kehilla, his first
and foremost thoughts were about how to renew Torah study.
He frequently used to say: We find in ma'asei
Bereishis, that Hashem created light on the first day and
did not put luminaries in the sky until the fourth day. Why?
Because first He had to take care of the neshomoh of
man and his ultimate purpose. The light of the first day, as
Chazal tell us, was the light hidden in the Torah, while the
luminaries on the fourth day served mainly for chayei
sho'o, for this temporary life.
In his old age, Rav Kahaneman wrote about his first
activities in Ponevezh: "My first steps in rabbonus were to
build and restore the chareidi institutions in the city,
which would serve as a nucleus of unification and revival . .
. First I began to establish be'ezras Hashem the great
yeshiva; I sunk a good part of my strength and my very being
into it, under the face of and in spite of the incessant
scheming of the Bolsheviks . . ."
In the Path of Reb Itzele
Actually, Ponevezh had already been made into a mokom
Torah by his predecessor, Reb Itzele, who was a rosh
yeshiva in his own right and was considered one of the
sharpest geniuses in his time. Twelve years earlier, in 5667
(1907), he had established his famous "kibbutz."
Dozens of highly talented young men and adolescents learned
under his guidance in this kibbutz and were supported
by the Gavronsky Family Fund.
Mrs. Leiba Miriam Gavronsky a"h, a woman who loved
Torah, established the fund. She was the daughter of the
famous R' Kalman Zev Wissotzky of Moscow, founder of a
worldwide tea business, and the widow of Reb Asher Bendit
Gavronsky a"h, who was known for the large sums of
tzedokoh that he gave to yeshivas and other worthy
causes. In the introduction to Mishpetei Hashem
written by HaRav Shmuel Yaakov Rabinowitz zt'l,
av beis din of Yilok (Vilna 5677), she is praised
among other things for "founding the kibbutz of Torah
study for young men and adolescents in the city of Ponevezh,
and she sends them over five thousand rubles a year."
Reb Kalman Zev Wissotzky originally served Rabbenu Yisroel
Salanter zt'l in his beis midrash Niviezer in
Kovno, and even later, when he became rich and famous and
moved to Moscow, he continued practicing his rebbi's
teachings. The sefer Tenu'as Hamussar (Vol. II, P. 61)
describes him as "a man outstanding in his sterling character
and his numerous activities." It describes how "when he first
moved to Moscow, he would draw the Cantonists closer to
Torah. He himself would sneak into the Kazarktin, teach them
tefilla and dinim, celebrate yomim
tovim, conduct a seder on Pesach, and imbue them
with the sweet scent of Torah and yiras Shomayim."
In the memoirs of Rav M.Z.A.H (Tel Aviv, 5696), it is told
how Reb Kalman Zev once came to consult him on how to
distribute ma'aser from his wealth, which was valued
at half a million rubles at the time. "When we finished our
deliberations, he got up and walked to and fro with his hands
on his head crying out the words of Chazal, Oy lonu miyom
hadin! Oy lonu miyom hatochocho!"
One of Reb Kalman Zev's sons-in-law, R' Refoel Shlomo Gutz
a"h, who enjoyed a good reputation as a talmid
chochom and generous person, is praised in the
Achiezer of HaRav Chaim Ozer Grodzinsky zt'l,
and was included on a list of candidates for the parliament
of Russian Jewry in 5677.
When the family decided to establish a Torah institution, he
went to HaRav Chaim Brisker zt'l and asked him where
to establish it: in Brisk under Reb Chaim's tutelage, or in
Vilna under Reb Chaim Ozer, or in Ponevezh under Reb Itzele.
Reb Chaim answered, "As to Brisk, the place is appropriate,
but the rov is not (referring to himself); Vilna, the rov is
worthy, but the place is not; but Ponevezh, this is the
proper place -- the rov is worthy and the place is also . .
Thanks to this decision, Ponevezh became an outstanding
mokom Torah, and Reb Itzele, in his kibbutz,
raised and cultivated a complete entourage of brilliant
talmidei chachomim who lit up the world with their
Torah for generations to come.
However after a mere seven years World War I broke out at the
end of 5674 (1914), and it almost completely silenced the
sound of Torah in Ponevezh. During the crisis, Reb Itzele and
a group of kibbutz men wandered to the city of
Aryopol, on the edge of the Ukraine.
The Gavronsky Family Fund continued to support them for
another four years until the Bolsheviks came into power. It
was only then that the wealthy Wissotzky family fled Russia,
and the fund stopped functioning. Reb Itzele, who did not
foresee any future under the Bolshevik regime, returned to
Ponevezh with one, lone student, a survivor of his entire
While Reb Itzele was away from the city, the influence of Reb
Yosef Shlomo, then a young avreich, was apparent
there. Although he did not hold an impressive position there
(actually, he served as the rov of Coltinan), when he would
occasionally visit to help the refugees, he would do his
utmost to ensure the continuation of Torah learning there.
With his assistance, around 5677 (1917), a small yeshiva for
the children of the city was opened under the tutelage of
HaRav Moshe Brenner zt'l, a former member of Reb
Itzele's kibbutz. When the Russians came, they
expelled the Jews of Ponevezh which effectively ended the
Torah learning there.
A few weeks after Reb Itzele came back from Russia, his first
step in reestablishing the Torah center was his plan to
reopen the cheder. Immediately, the wrath of H.
Gershonovsky, the Communist educational Komisar, poured down
on him. He summoned the elderly rov and told him in no
uncertain terms, " `Grazdanin' (citizen) Rabinowitz,
you must close the cheder immediately, for good. If
you don't, we have explicit instructions on how to deal with
these situations . . ."
This incident put Reb Itzele into a depression. He was
extremely distressed by pain and fear of the enemies of
Judaism. His health deteriorated steadily until he returned
his soul to its Maker on Friday, 21 Adar I, 5679.
The Sun Rises and the Sun Sets
Reb Itzele's death was a heavy blow to the Torah world in
general and to the Jews of Ponevezh in particular. Most of
the important members of the community were under lock and
key, imprisoned by the Communists for various pretenses. Like
a ship tossing in the heart of stormy seas cries out for a
captain to guide it through the turbulent waves, the Jews of
Ponevezh desperately needed a leader to guide them.
"The sun rises and the sun sets." Before the sun of Reb
Itzele set, the sun of Rabbenu Yosef Shlomo was already seen
on the Ponevezh horizon.
He immediately went into action, with all his vigor and vim,
and with great momentum. He came alone to Ponevezh; his wife
and children temporarily stayed in Coltinan. The Jews of
Ponevezh felt that it was so necessary and urgent that he
become rov immediately, that they pressed him to accept the
shtar harabbonus even before the end of the
sheloshim. This was contrary to the opinion of R'
Avrohom Riklis zt'l, one of Reb Itzele's esteemed
students and a respected member of the Ponevezh community,
who requested that they at least wait until the
sheloshim on Sunday, 21 Adar II, 5679.
"The beginning of Torah is chessed." His first act
before the upcoming Pesach holiday was to organize "kimcha
depischa" for the needy and the prisoner's families, as
well as to bake kosher matzos, two things that put him into
great danger in the Bolshevik regime. "I was young and bold,"
the Rov related in his old age. "I did things that involved
risking my life, that according to the din, I was not
required to do." Thus he made all the necessary arrangements
to sell Jews' chometz to non-Jews on erev
The Death of his Father
Rabbenu Yosef Shlomo did not know that a personal tragedy
occurred during those days. Only a few short days after
becoming rov of Ponevezh, his father passed away in Kuhl on
motzei Shabbos, 28 Adar II, 5679 (1919) after a harsh
disease. Due to the circumstances and the unstable roads, it
was impossible for him to come to the funeral, and it was
held without him. At the advice of his father-in-law, the rov
of Wilkomir, his friends concealed the bitter news for a long
time. Reb Leib felt that it was not appropriate that he
should be bothered now by the aveilus and everything
it entailed. He, therefore, advised that they should not tell
It was only three months later that he found out from R'
Paltia, the shammash's assistant in Ponevezh, who told
him due to a misunderstanding. He, therefore, only practiced
the laws of a mourner who hears after a relatively long time
(shemu'o rechoko).
In the short notes of chidushei Torah on
mishnayos that the Rov zt"l wrote by hand,
there is a small testimonial for his revered, beloved father.
These few short words speak volumes:
"As a memorial, I will write what came into my mind as I
learned mishnayos lezecher nishmas my master,
my father, my teacher zt'l hk'm who ascended to
the heavens on motzei Shabbos kodesh parshas Shemini
28 Adar II, 5679 Ateres shehusra meirosheinu, the
crown was removed from our head. The terrible news reached me
on Sunday parshas Bolok 8 Tammuz here in Ponevezh, and
I immediately accepted upon myself bli neder to learn
each day of the year, in honor and in memory of his holy
soul, the seder of Zero'im and Taharos
and chapters from the Rambam on these laws, since my
father zt'l toiled his whole life in Torah and
established the learning of mishnayos in the city he
lived in, and he himself taught Torah in public for thirty-
three years straight in the Chevra Mishnayos, Gemora and
Orach Chaim that he established. Through this I will honor
him after his death by doing his will. And Hashem should
comfort us amongst all the mourners of Zion and Yerushalayim,
The Mechiras Chometz Document Written from
Memory After a Brush with Death
On the night before erev Pesach, the Ponevezher Rov
sat in his rented apartment, deeply concentrating on
formulating a mechiras chometz contract for the
community. Due to the circumstances, he had not had time to
prepare a document in advance. Now, he could not find a
single form to copy from, nor did he have any sifrei
halocho to consult, and he was forced to reconstruct
every detail in the document from memory.
Suddenly, loud knocking was heard at the door. Two armed
Bolshevik guards walked in. They asked if this was the
address listed on their form and asked what he was doing.
After exchanging a few sentences, the two motioned that the
Rov should come with them. In the few short steps between the
table to the door, he whispered vidduy.
They took him down to the courtyard. One of the guards
pointed a loaded pistol at him, ready to kill him as per his
superior's orders. While his finger was on the trigger, the
second guard, who was apparently his commander, suddenly
grabbed him. For some reason, he had his doubts if this was
the man they were looking for. He told his underling to look
in the other entrance of the building. Meanwhile, he stayed
to guard the Rov.
A few moments passed, and a two shots rang out in the
courtyard -- and then silence. The guard came back to report
"mission accomplished." The shocked Rov obviously did not
open his mouth. The two left him in the courtyard, and walked
Although he had just barely escaped death, Rabbenu Yosef
Shlomo hurried up to his room and continued working on his
shtar mechiras chometz with a clear head, as if
nothing had happened. Unperturbed, he stayed up until four in
the morning until he completed his task. Later he related
that he received an old shtar mechiras chometz and
compared the two. He saw that he had written the exact thing
by himself from memory and even erased a few words, enhancing
End of Part I
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