During the Yomim Noraim: Education about the Dangers of the
Internet and iPhone
At the special gathering at the home of HaRav Chaim
Kanievsky a letter from HaRav Wosner and HaRav Karelitz was
read that stated (in part): "Now that the Yomim Noraim have
arrived, hearts are open and people want to return to
Hashem. We hereby request that you cry and warn to your
congregations and especially on Shabbos Shuvoh, not to use a
unfiltered Internet, or an iPhone and similar devices,
without any horo'as heter."
Halochoh Sefer on Hatzoloh Published by the Organization
A modest lechayim was held at the home of HaRav
Ezriel Auerbach in honor of the publication of the sefer
Mishnas Hatzoloh written by HaRav Yaakov Eisenbach, rov
of the Modi'in Illit branch of the organization.
Million Visitors Expected in Yerushalayim Over Succos
More than a million visitors are expected to go "up" to
Yerushalayim this coming Succos and most are expected to use
public transportation for at least part of their travel. At
least half-a-million are expected to go to pray at the
Yad Sarah Lends 270,000 Medical Items
In the last year (5772), the volunteers of Yad Sarah lent
out a total of 270,000 medical items at over 100
The Admor of Pshevorsk Reb Itzikel Gevirtzman, ztvk"l
In honor of his yahrtzeit: Yom Kippur
Holy in life and holy in death. It has been said that one
who is niftar on the Yom Hakodosh was a true
tzaddik and has passed from this world having atoned
for any trace of sin.
Many are the stories of the tzaddik Reb Itzikel of
Antwerp that I have heard firsthand from my grandfather,
z"l, and yblc"t my father, who were very close
to him in the postwar years.