Forced Conscription of Yeshiva Students Including Imprisonment
It was the bleakest, blackest day, reeking of a dismal and sorrowful anti-Semitism the likes of which the Torah world and chareidi public had not seen since the establishment of the State of Israel 65 years ago: the Knesset plenum began its session at midnight on Monday dealing with the first reading of the drastic, shameful bill calling for the draft of yeshiva students by force, including registration of a criminal record and imprisonment of every ben Torah who refuses to be drafted or serve in a National Service framework.
"The Government Just Wants to Persecute Religion and Torah Scholars"
"This government has no agenda other than to discriminate against religion and persecute Torah scholars. They explain everything as budgetary motives but these are only cover-ups. Today they wish to pass a law that will harass Torah scholars who have pursued their study for thousands of years uninterruptedly, yet in spite and even because of it, we find added strength in the knowledge that Torah studied in deprivation creates great and eternal merit."
HaRav Shmuel Kamenetsky: "The Torah World in Eretz Yisroel Continues to Strengthen"
In a special interview which Yated Ne'eman held this past Monday with HaRav Shmuel Kamenetsky, Rosh Yeshivas Philadelphia and member of Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah in the U.S., who is here on a personal simcha-related visit, the latter voiced an emphatic stand regarding the path we must take these days to protect ourselves from our evil-seekers.
HaRav Dovid Moshe Rabinowitz, zt"l, Hy"d — Rosh Yeshivas Kesser Torah
In honor of his yahrtzeit, 18th Av (5702-1942)
"I had no idea that there existed in the Poland of our times such a great gaon," noted R' Chaim Ozer Grodzensky zt"l. He had just become acquainted with R' Moishele Rabinowitz and they had already had a deep Torah discussion, lasting several hours. Subsequently, R' Chaim Ozer sent him a warm approbation, rare in its content, for the sefer that R' Moishele intended to print.