Israeli Elections 5773 - Observations and Lessons
The elections are over. Israeli parliamentary elections do not have a winner and a loser like personal elections in many other countries. Voters choose a party, not a person, in Israel, making the entire process less personal. The chareidi community faces some very difficult political issues.
Why Some Non-Religious People Voted for United Torah Judaism
Hundreds of both traditional and completely secular Jews stated their readiness during the recent campaign to vote for the United Torah Jewry party for the first time.
Rain and Kinneret Watch
As of January 23 (12 Shvat) 387 millimeters of rain had fallen in the Jerusalem area during the current season (August 1 to date). This represents 147% of the average rainfall for this period and 72% of the average rainfall for the entire season in the Jerusalem area which is 537 mm.
Bringing the Yemenite Remnant to Israel
A report from Iran in which Israelis were interviewed by Palestinian newspaper Al Manari claims that the organized immigration of the rest of Yemenite Jewry to Israel has taken its first steps through the cooperation between the Israeli and the Qatar Emirate governments. The first group, a family of six, has already landed at Ben Gurion airport in a special Emirate plane via Doha. Other groups are expected to arrive in the coming months. The report added that ministers and high ranking Knesset Members, partly from Shas, are involved in the project.
The Maharshag - HaRav Shimon Greenfeld, zt"l
In honor of his yahrtzeit, 19 Shevat
As a young bar mitzva boy, R' Shimon was taken to Zanz by his father, R' Yehuda, zt"l, to spend the yom tov Shavuos in the elevated atmosphere prevalent in the court of the Divrei Chaim of Zanz.