Despite opposition by United Torah Judaism MK Rabbi Uri Maklev, the Joint Foreign Affairs and Security and Constitutional Committee approved bringing for second and third readings an amendment that grants an IDF exemption to girls who declare themselves religious. According to a new part of the amendment, the exemption could be annulled if a girl's affirmation is proven to be false. Because of the difficulties in judgment and potential for abuse by anti-religious elements that such proof entails, the chareidi representatives have always tried to make a persona declaration by a girl unchallengeable.
Rabbi Maklev requested a re-vote, which will be held at a date that has yet to be determined.
On Sunday, MKs Rabbi Maklev and Rabbi Moshe Gafni met with various figures involved in drafting the law. During the meeting they were able to reach an agreement to remove a number of paragraphs and to modify the wording of other paragraphs. Although most of their demands were met, they said they strongly oppose the entire law, adding that there is no need to change the present situation.
Rabbi Gafni noted that he is opposed to drafting girls to the IDF in general, even non-observant girls, but added that his opposition to the law should not be construed as support for or intention to help girls who make false affirmations.
The new law does not affect chareidi girls, who have always obtained an exemption by declaring themselves religious.