Letter From HaRav Eliashiv Shlita
Bs"D Motzei Shabbos Mikeitz, 5772
Since the secret and foundation of the Torah world and the community of yerei'im is in a life of Torah and yir'oh al taharas hakodesh, including a complete separation from all the life and concepts of the chiloni world who reject the yoke of Torah, therefore it is necessary to protest and to warn against all sorts of attempts from the outside to damage the pure cruse of oil, by establishing "special frameworks for chareidim" that will be under their total control and in their spirit, and including various frameworks and paths for national or civil or army service whose purpose is to create places where a group of chareidim will be formed which is under their control and subject to their cultural influences.
They also encourage various machonim and colleges to train and to teach material leading towards degrees and certificates of academia and the like, which will introduce alien goals that are derived from outside of our community. It is well known how much gedolei Yisroel ztvk"l fought against any kind of chareidi learning establishment and made sure that they were considered beyond the pale.
And now they even say explicitly that their goal is to change the spirit and essence of the chareidi community, and to bring in all manner of alien goals and aspirations, national and academic, which our forefathers knew not, and to bring about a joining with the chiloni life and lifestyle, and with the culture of sinners.
Therefore one should apply the posuk, "Go not in their ways, keep your foot from going in their paths," and also, "With those who change things do not get involved." But one should go only in the way handed down to us from generation to generation, to do the will of our Father in Heaven who has separates us from those who stray and has given us a Toras emes, and has implanted within us chayei olom.
(signed) Yosef Sholom Eliashiv
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