Chareidi Population Expected to Skyrocket
By Y. Gefen
The Central Bureau for Statistics published forecasts saying that in
2059 chareidim will account for 41 percent of the total population.
The forecast was prepared following a request by the Finance
Ministry's Budget Department for a long-range forecast of Israel's
population over the next half century. The main forecast was divided
into three alternate forecasts: slow growth rate, moderate growth rate
and high growth rate. According to the forecast the State of Israel
will have 13-20 million residents in fifty years.
Figures from 2009 show that when the chareidim are taken into account
separately, 70% of the general population is Jewish, 20% Arab and 10%
chareidi. According to the forecast, non-chareidi Jews will be 37% in
2059, the Arab population will remain 20% and the chareidi population
will grow to 40% of the country.