Hebrew Yated Ne'eman Maintains Strong Rating
By R. Gil
Hebrew-language daily Yated Ne'eman was the only chareidi media entity that succeeded in maintaining its position and stability in the volatile media industry during the past year, according to a T.G.I. survey. The results ranked the chareidi daily with an exposure rate of 41.6 percent in the chareidi community, much higher than all of the other chareidi media publications.
The bi-annual survey, which is carried out by the Kantar Media Group, examines the reading habits of the chareidi sector and is overseen by the Research Committee of the Israel Advertising Companies Association, which commissions the survey, in conjunction with the advertising firms that fund it due to their interest in the chareidi community: Bolton Potential, Afikim, Meimad and McCann Discipline Ltd.
According to figures comparing January-December 2010 to January-December 2011, Yated Ne'eman has the most readership of the chareidi dailies, and the weekend edition was almost the only one to hold its position, with a 19.8% exposure rate.
Yonatan Shalit, vice president of Kantar Media Israel, says that the data proves the chareidi public is stable in its reading behavior. In a conversation with Yated Ne'eman he expressed concerns for the future of certain newspapers that lost almost half of their circulation.