Posek HaDor Maran HaRav Yosef Sholom Eliashiv zt"l
On Wednesday afternoon, 28 Av, the Posek HaDor Maran HaRav Yosef Sholom Eliashiv zt"l was niftar. The levaya was held Wednesday night and according to most reports more than 250,000 mourners participated. He had been hospitalized since the middle of Shvat.
Sanzer Rebbe: "Three Day Round-the-Clock Torah Study Shifts in all our Botei Medrash, Kollelim and Yeshivos"
"'I beseech my brothers' [that] in every beis medrash, kollel and yeshiva there be organized shifts of Torah study round-the-clock for a three-day period, each shift consisting of four hours and including at least a minyan, so that when one shift is davening, another shift will be learning. Thus, Torah will be studied non-stop for the duration of three full days." This was the request of the Admor of Sanz this past Shabbos, Parshas Pinchos, at shalosh seudos.
Tens of Thousands of Cheder Children Gather for Prayer Rallies to Nullify the Decree of the Draft for Bnei Yeshiva
Tens of thousands of precious cheder boys gathered this past Friday to participate in prayer meetings in shuls and botei medrash throughout chareidi enclaves in Eretz Yisroel and the Diaspora for fervent pleading before the Creator that He have compassion on His people and abolish the decree threatening the very existence of the Torah world in the Holy Land through the drafting of bnei yeshiva, a law expressly intended to topple the yeshiva-kollel world, G-d forbid.
Kadima to Introduce Biometric Monitoring in Yeshivos and Kollelim
Will a new monitoring system be introduced shortly within yeshivos and kollelim? A high ranking Likud member, integrally involved in the negotiations regarding the upcoming bill on drafting yeshiva students, revealed on Monday in a press briefing in the Knesset a new program to replace the current system of checking on attendance. Instead of inspectors coming to monitor attendance, new devices will be installed where everyone will have to prove attendance via biometric fingerprinting, upon entrance and exit of the study halls.
The Admor of Stefenisht HaRav Avrohom Matisyohu Friedman, zt"l
In honor of his yahrtzeit, 21 Tammuz
Rabbeinu's concentration while learning or davening was so intense that he became merged as one with the sefer before him and anything happening around him belonged to a world of another time and place, unnoticed by him completely.