Bais Yaakov in Modi'in Illit Named after Rebbetzin Kanievsky o"h
by Yechiel Sever
In a moving ceremony in the home of HaRav Chaim Kanievsky shlita, the
Bais Yaakov of the Brachfeld neighborhood of Kiryat Sefer was named of
the recently departed Bas Sheva Esther Kanievsky o"h. The official
name is Maalos Bas Sheva.
First to sign the official proclamation was HaRav Chaim Kanievsky,
after which it was read by Rabbi Zvi Baumel, deputy director of
Chinuch Atzmai. Afterwards, the rabbonim of Kiryat Sefer also signed
on, as well as several politicians. The principal of the school is
Mrs. Einhorn, who is the daughter of HaRav Moshe Smoteny, one of the
gabboim of HaRav Kanievsky.