Rabbonim Oppose Event That Threatens to Desecrate Old City
By Yechiel Sever
Gedolei Torah and rabbonim from all streams of chareidi Jewry
are set to issue a statement protesting plans by the Ariel Municipal
Company, under the Jerusalem Municipality's auspices, to hold tours
around the Old City that include meals at non-kosher restaurants. They
are urging the public not to support in any manner the planned "food
festival," which undermines the sanctity of the Holy City and the
City councilmen from United Torah Judaism on Tuesday issued firm
criticism of the event.
During the past two weeks UTJ has learned that the Jerusalem
Development Authority, through the Ariel Municipal Company, initiated
a food festival in various quarters of the Old City, inviting
Jerusalem residents to visit different parts of the Old City and
sample its various restaurant offerings.
UTJ councilmen are strongly opposed to the event, which is not funded
by the municipality but was organized by its subsidiary.