Tefillin Sparks Panic on New Zealand Ferry
by Yated Ne'eman Staff
An Israeli tourist who laid tefillin set off a panic during a ferry ride. He was suspected of strapping on explosives and security personnel were quickly summoned. The man was arrested with his companions and released after questioning. A local policeman noted that the tourist did not conduct himself in a manner that threatened the public safety, but a decision was made not to take any chances and to call in a special anti-terror squad.
The incident was a result of "an unfortunate overreaction," said New Zealand race relations commissioner, Joris de Bres. "This is just a reminder that you have to stop and think before jumping to conclusions."
The arrest of Jews laying tefillin in public places is not a rarity. One month ago a Jew was stopped on a flight from New York to Boston when he refused to answer the flight captain's questions because he was in the middle of Shemoneh Esrei. One year ago a large number of security personnel were summoned to Philadelphia International Airport following a similar incident.
In Jordan, the government doesn't take chances: Israelis are not permitted to bring tefillin into the kingdom at all.