Five Chareidi Students from Netivot were Injured in Jerusalem
by Yechiel Sever
Five talmidim from the Nit'ei Reuven talmud Torah in Netivot, part of
the Chinuch Atzmai network, were injured in the bomb that went off in
Jerusalem on Wednesday. A group from the talmud Torah had come to
Jerusalem to participate in entry examinations to yeshivot ketanot.
Two of their friends were able to get onto an earlier bus, but there
was no room for them.
Four were lightly injured and one sustained moderate injuries. The
latter was operated on in Shaarei Tzedek.
One of those injured, Elchanan Kaatabi, 14, recalled the awful moments
of the blast: "I was standing at the bus stop with a few of my friends
and we were waiting for the bus to Netivot, after we had davened at
the Kotel after the exams. We stood at the bus stop and suddenly we
heard an explosion. I felt a shock wave, and a flew through the air a
bit. I saw someone on fire. My leg started to hurt, and a soldier sent
me to the hospital. At the moment I have four pieces of shrapnel in my
leg." This is considered a light wound.