UTJ Jerusalem Councilmen Call for Elections in Ramot
By Yechiel Sever
Jerusalem City Councilmen from United Torah Judaism issued a firm
demand that the Mayor allow elections to be held in Ramot for the
neighborhood administration.
The issue was raised during a meeting of the Municipal Board convened
in the mayor's office, with all members of the coalition parties on
hand. Various criteria ere presented for changing the election system
in advance of the second round of voting for community administrations
around the city. Nir Barkat presented the new criteria to the
coalition members, as well as the neighborhoods in which elections in
the second round have been requested, including Neveh Yaakov, Darom,
Gilo, Ramat Shlomo and Bucharim.
UTJ members voiced opposition to the change in criteria, which
strengthens various population segments. Rabbi Yitzchok Pindrus
attacked the Mayor's refusal to hold a the upcoming round of elections
in Ramot.
"The municipal system, including all of its officials, is committing a
sin against the public Ramot," he said. "It is inconceivable that in
all of the municipal committees, both the Allocations Committee and
the Planning and Construction Committee, the Municipality operates
solely according to the opinion set forth by the present community
administration, which is an administration that was never elected
democratically. In a High Court petition submitted 12 years ago, the
Municipality promised to hold elections right away."
He also presented the opinion of the neighborhood rabbonim —
determined at a gathering held at the end of the winter — to
demand elections for the community administration in Ramot are held in
the upcoming city-wide round.