HaRav Yissochor Meir zt"l
By S. Bruchi
Beis Yisroel and the yeshiva world was cloaked in mourning upon
receiving the bitter news on Motzei Shabbos Parshas Va'eiro, 26 Teves,
of the passing of HaRav Yissochor Meir zt"l, an elder statesman
among our generation's roshei yeshivos and marbitzei Torah. One
of the founders of the Torah world in Morocco and the rosh yeshiva of
Yeshivas HaNegev, he was summoned to Yeshiva Shel Maaloh on Shabbos
Egyptian Authorities Release Protesters Rallying to Keep Out Jewish
By R. Hoffner
Security forces in Egypt released on Sunday 50 protesters arrested
last weekend for demonstrating against a group of hundreds of Jews who
arrived at the grave of HaRav Yaakov Abuchatzeira in the village of
Mandur in the northwest part of the country to mark his yahrtzeit.
Three of the organizers of the demonstration remained in custody.
New Information about Indonesian Jews During the Holocaust
by Yated Ne'eman Staff
At a recent academic conference at Haifa University there were reports
of a previously unrecognized Jewish community that had been persecuted
during World War II: Indonesian Jewry. That community suffered
terribly under the Japanese occupying rule. Professor Rotem Kovner
investigated the events.
`Advertisers Should Channel Funds to Special Population
by Yated Ne'eman Staff
"Special population sectors now comprise over 50 percent of the
country's population, and their share of the total continues to grow,"
says Nati Yaakobi, CEO of Ifat Advertising Monitoring, referring to
the religious, Arab and Russian-speaking sectors. "Because they are
isolated within their own media, the major advertisers understand that
special advertising budgets must be allocated."
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