Public Outcry Against IDF `Conversions' Continues
by Yated Ne'eman Staff
At the behest of gedolei Yisroel shlita, the public is
continuing to voice opposition to the false "conversions" performed in
the IDF, where official conversions are conducted through an assembly
line apparatus without a genuine undertaking of mitzvahs.
"In the present situation," gedolei Yisroel wrote last month in
a letter of protest, "it is abundantly clear that these non-Jews had
no intention of undertaking any of the pillars of the Jewish religion
— not Shabbos, not kashrus and not family purity — and
everybody can say without reservation that these non-Jews have no
intention of observing Judaism."
Rabbonim and dayonim said these conversion frameworks systematically
employ deceit and constitute a severe breach in Kerem Beis Yisroel.
They stressed the need to continue monitoring the situation and not to
permit any fictitious conversions conducted in a secular framework
that dictates the character of the procedure and constantly demands
"flexibility" in order to enable large-scale conversion for those who
would like to join "Israeli society" and/or the "national partnership"
without accepting halachic Judaism or keeping Torah and mitzvahs. "No
secular framework can be allowed to conduct conversion, which should
be handled only be established, reputable botei din," rabbonim
Rabbonim and public figures are now issuing calls to arrange a major
gathering to explain the issue to the public at large and to expose
the extent of the scandal taking place in a system rife with self-
deception and which makes a laughing stock of halacha as it applies to
conversion issues.
The firm stance taken by the Torah world to reject outright conversion
that does not entail an acceptance of mitzvahs has already shifted
somewhat the view that IDF conversion should be granted sweeping
credence. Following the outcry by the halacha world, some figures
involved in conducting these conversions reversed themselves at least
partially and are now qualifying their pronouncements regarding false
conversion. However, the campaign must continue until all traces of
recognition of conversion that is at odds with halacha are
For instance, this week some backtracking was heard from official
public statements by Chief Rabbinate figures who previously had
insisted that conversion procedures already conducted by the IDF
conversion court could not be challenged. These same Chief Rabbinate
figures ceaselessly conducted campaigns demagogically insisting that
"ain acharei ma'aseh beis din klum" applies to the fictitious
conversions conducted in the army.
Meanwhile they also claimed that the dictum "ein ledayan ela mah
she'einov ro'os" applies to the "conversion dayonim" in the
military, who knowingly permitted the fraudulent process to take place
before their very eyes, therefore these dayonim could supposedly
accept without question the ludicrous declarations made by non-Jews
who clearly had no intention of bearing the yoke of Torah and