Modi'in Illit Posted 77% Rise in Employment from 2003 to 2007
By M. Green
The employment rate in Modi'in Illit rose 77 percent between 2003 and 2007, compared to a 50-percent growth rate in the city's workforce during the same period, thanks to a range of women's employment projects, according to figures released by the National Insurance Institute.
A breakdown of the data shows that 4,011 people were employed in the city in 2003, while by 2007 that number had gone up to 7,087, an increase of 3,076 workers or 77 percent.
The real net increase in the employment rate, when adjusted for population growth, is 17 percent, or 4 percent annually.
According to 2007 figures, the 48 percent employment rate for the population as a whole of Modiin Illit fell just short of the national average of 56 percent and was up from 41 percent in 2003. If the growth rate remains steady, experts predict Modi'in Illit will reach the national average within 3-4 years.