High Court Tries to Force Parents to Send Daughters to Beis Yaakov School in Emanuel
By Yechiel Sever
In a case currently before the High Court parents of students at the Beis Yaakov school in Emanuel are being challenged for their firm stand, based on directives from gedolei Yisroel. In an unprecedented move, High Court judges are trying to force parents to send their daughters to study at the school against their will. Shortly before a hearing this week the parents said they would adhere to the instructions of their rabbonim.
As reported recently, Maran HaRav Eliashiv told Chinuch Atzmai heads and members of United Torah Judaism that the judges' decision was based on their personal world view, but, "Chinuch Atzmai is subject to and acts in accordance with daas Torah, which was its founding mission. These decisions by the High Court are in stark opposition to daas Torah and as such, efforts must be made to cancel them."
He also spoke of the need to carefully protect the independence of Jewish education in its pure form, and to fearlessly refrain from deviating in the least from the path set by our forefathers and rabbonim.