Court: Emmanuel Women to Jail
by Yechiel Sever
On Wednesday the High Court ruled that 9 of the mothers from Emmanuel should be jailed after their husbands complete their sentences — despite recommendations against this by the Welfare Ministry and the Council for the Welfare of Children. According to the schedule given by the High Court, the imprisonment will continue even during the school vacation time, when the parents have no ability to fulfill the court order and thus there is no contempt of court. Legal experts said that this is an unprecedented use of the jail power of the courts for contempt. Attorney Mordechai Green said, "For the first time the High Court has transformed the sanction of jail which is aimed to force compliance into a type of punishment. This is a clear departure from the authority given to the court."
MK Rabbi Moshe Gafni said, "The court has crossed all the red lines. Some of those nine women are Sephardim and, with an unbridled desire for revenge, the Court wants to jail them for racism. No one would believe that the head of the court could decline to such deeds."
MK Rabbi Uri Maklev said, "This is a heartless decision. Everyone knows that the target of the Court is not just the parents of Emmanuel. They are not alone in the struggle; the entire chareidi community is being jailed."
The opinions given by the Ministry of Welfare and others about jailing the other 13 women essentially left the Court with no option of imprisoning them.