Statement of the American Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah about the Situation in Emmanuel
[Free Translation]
In the wake of the terrible slander of the Israeli High Court against our precious brethren in the Holy Land community of Emmanuel dedicated to the word of Hashem, who have been sent to prison for their devotion to the religious education of their daughters, we protest mightily the outrage and sin committed against them, and the twisted decision to force upon them a system of education that is against their way of life and the opinion of their rabbis.
The erroneous notion that a secular court has an authority above that of the holy Torah as understood by those who hold its banner aloft falsifies the Jewish faith and undermines the fundamental belief that the Torah is not subject to change, that it alone determines the life-choices of a Jew and is not subject to the authority of any secular system of justice.
And we join wholeheartedly, along with hundreds of thousands of Jews around the globe, in the prisoners' pain. May their hands be strengthened. Fortunate are they for bearing the honor of Hashem and the Jewish religious tradition on their shoulders at this time.
May it be Hashem's will that the name of Heaven be venerated in our times, and that His honor fill the entire earth.
Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah of America
6 Tammuz, 5770