HaRav Eliashiv on the Bais Yaakov school in Emanuel: "High Court Decision Reflects Judges' Personal Worldview"
By Yechiel Sever
Maran HaRav Yosef Sholom Eliashiv shlita told the heads of Chinuch Atzmai and the members of United Torah Judaism during a visit at his home to seek guidance and instructions following the High Court decision on the Bais Yaakov school in Emanuel that "the High Court decision sets a precedent and reflects the personal worldview of the judges."
He also spoke about the obligation to stand firm in preserving the independence of the Torah-true education system and to maintain a straight course, not straying from the path set forth by our forefathers and rabbonim, and not fearing the repercussions.
The Court has interfered in the admissions process of the school, maintaining that Sephardic students suffer discrimination. In fact, every step of every action taken in the matter was done under the supervision of rabbonim, with opportunities for discussion and appeal.