A handful of secular residents in Jerusalem's Kiryat Yovel
neighborhood has repeatedly plagued the day-to-day life of
chareidim living in the neighborhood.
Last Shabbos the group again tried to disrupt Shabbos
tefillos, which are held in a private home in the
neighborhood because the kehilloh has not yet been
allocated proper facilities near their homes, but the police
were alerted to the situation and stepped in.
For several years observant Jews have been living in the
neighborhood in peace and quiet alongside their secular
neighbors, but a small group of local residents, some of whom
belong to the Neighborhood Administration, have been pursuing
all means — legal and illegal — to disrupt the
day-to-day lives of the many chareidim now living there.
For months this group has been sabotaging eiruvin
posts installed in the neighborhood — just like in any
other neighborhood where observant Jews live — and on
Shabbos Night, under cover of darkness, they remove the posts
in violation of the law. A few weeks ago a group of
saboteurs, including a "respectable" professor, was caught in
the act.