Harmony Prevails in the Chareidi City of Bnei Brak
by Yated Ne'eman Staff
In the City of Bnei Brak the elections administrator and
members of the Municipal Elections Committee met on Election
Day to announce the election of Rabbi Asher as mayor and the
25 people on the Central Torah List as the 25 members of the
new city council.
Mr. Asher Groner, the elections administrator for the City of
Bnei Brak appointed by the Interior Ministry, then announced
the new mayor and city council members since only one mayoral
candidate and one council list were submitted. The council
list included representatives of parties from the outgoing
council — Lemaan Bnei Brak Toratit (Degel HaTorah),
Hareshima HaToratit Hamerkazit (Agudas Yisroel), Shas, Bnei
Torah Sephardim and the NRP.
Bnei Brak now has a new mayor and one-third of the council
seats will be occupied by new members. Both the choice of
mayor and the council members were decided by agreement among
all the political parties involved.