HaRav Eliashiv: Everybody Should Pray for Gilad Shalit
by Yechiel Sever
Noam Shalit, father of kidnapped soldier Gilad Shalit, arrived at the home of Maran HaRav Eliashiv shlita this week to request a brochoh for the speedy return of his son, who has been held captive by Hamas for over three years. Maran gave a brochoh adding, "Certainly every individual should pray for him, because this is a matter of saving a life and redeeming captives."
HaRav Eliashiv also gave his blessing that Noam Shalit and his family remain strong during the difficult period they face.
During the course of the meeting Maran asked for details regarding the efforts being made on Gilad Shalit's behalf and inquired about the chances of his speedy release. Noam Shalit replied that with the formation of the new Netanyahu government they hope steps will be taken soon.
The public is being asked to pray for the hatzoloh of Gilad ben Avivoh and his speedy return home.