Rabbinical Committee Protests AMPM Shabbos Desecration
By Yechiel Sever
Vaadas HaRabbonim Lemaan Kedushas HaShabbos, under the
guidance of gedolei Yisroel shlita, is issuing strong
condemnation as well as expressing pain and shock following
the increased Shabbos desecration by the AMPM chain.
The chain, which operates primarily in the Tel Aviv area, was
purchased a few months ago by the Alon Group, which is headed
by David Weisman. The chain has dozens of mini-markets in the
Dan Region that are open 24 hours a day, and most of them are
open on Shabbos and Jewish holidays -- a terrible breach of
Shabbos in full view in the central region.
After acquiring the chain, Weisman announced he was removing
the non-kosher products from the shelves, a move that brought
with it hopes he would close all the stores on Shabbos in
consideration of public sensibilities. But no such change was
made and since then more branches have been opened, most of
which also operate on Shabbos Kodesh.
The Alon Group includes Dor Alon gas stations, Dor Gas and
Blue Square. Vaadas HaRabbonim expressed surprised the group
that owns Blue Square, a chain that caters to the shomer
Shabbos sector, is openly trampling over the sanctity of
Shabbos in various cities.
Vaadas HaRabbonim is asking AMPM executives and other figures
in a position to exert an influence on the chain to take
urgent action to halt the honor of the Shabbos from being
trampled further.