A Call From The Rabbonim Of Har Nof For Fitting
By Yechiel Sever
28 Cheshvan 5768
We want to alert the religious community to the importance
and urgency of arranging suitable transportation, in
accordance with halochoh, for those riding the buses from our
neighborhoods of Har Nof and Givat Shaul, in keeping with the
dictates of holiness and modesty and preventing the most
serious possible mishaps, which cannot be specified here,
that result from traveling on buses that are crammed to
overflowing with passengers. Anyone who is concerned with his
children's education and future knows how great the dangers
are, particularly on the number fifteen bus route, for
reasons that are readily understandable.
Boruch Hashem, since several distinguished activists
from our neighborhoods, whose motivations are pure, have
entered the picture -- who are working in accordance with our
wishes and acting as our emissaries, consulting the
neighborhood rabbonim every step of the way -- we have
merited, with Heaven's help, the introduction of the Fifteen
A bus route, which travels directly to Geulah along a
suitable route. Unfortunately, at present this route runs
only several times a day. Hopefully a decision will soon be
made to institute it as a fully active route, at all hours of
the day.
To this end we repeat our resolute demand to the heads of
Egged and any other parties with power to take action that as
a large population consisting of several thousand households,
beli ayin hora, who make frequent use of public
transport, the Fifteen A route be immediately made into a
route running at regular intervals all day long, allowing all
the worthy residents of our neighborhoods, both old and
young, the opportunity to travel in a way that does not clash
with the requirements of our holy Torah, in the same way that
similar routes have boruch Hashem been operating
successfully in many other neighborhoods of Yerushalayim for
a long time.
We call upon the residents of our holy neighborhoods to
continue using the befitting Fifteen A route. Obviously, at
times when there is a suitable alternative, other routes
should not be used. Whoever is able to take action and assist
the activists in their efforts to arrive at a complete
solution, should do everything possible, for this matter is
of the utmost importance to us and it affects our children's
futures. Neighborhood residents should make a point of men
and women sitting in separate sections of the bus to whatever
extent possible and of women boarding the bus at the back
door only.
Happy is the lot of all who try to adhere to this request to
travel and to take action in support of this sublime goal.
They should be blessed with everything good and have much
pleasure and holy satisfaction from all their offspring,
be'ezras Hashem yisborach. The merit of improving the
public's situation will stand them in good stead forever.
We affix our signatures on the tenth of Kislev 5768,
I am a partner in what the rabbonim say. Their words need
no reinforcement. Everyone should help and there will
be'ezras Hashem be great success. Awaiting Heaven's
mercy, Moshe Sternbuch
Yitzchok Mordechai Hacohen Rubin
Mordechai Shlomo Steinmetz
Dov Landau
David Yosef
Shlomo Zafrani
Meir Tzvi Fisher
Chanoch Friedman
Moshe Chaim Geldzahler
Yisroel Aryeh Weisman
Yosef Asher Neumann