The outreach department at Acheinu has expanded its
counselling program and changed its appearance beyond
recognition. As part of the expansion process the
organization is starting a new program to offer open
counselling hours in various cities around the country, based
on guidance from the Acheinu rabbonim and directors.
Acheinu's outreach department has been helping yeshiva
students who arrived through various outreach channels and
are in need of guidance in order to grow in Torah and
yir'oh. Department workers help the bochurim in
various ways through counselling and support for them and
their parents.
The open hours allow Acheinu activists to form direct contact
with the bochurim and their parents in order to
provide them immediate guidance and accelerate the decision-
making process. Acheinu workers make use of the wide-ranging
ties to yeshivas formed over the years, in addition to the
many years of experience the organization has acquired, in
order to place the bochurim at the yeshiva right for
Acheinu's outreach workers stay in constant contact with the
bochur to ensure he is adapting to the yeshiva and
making progress in Torah and yiras Shomayim.
One feature of the program is making the organization's
workers more available to the parents, allowing them to gain
a better impression of the student thereby facilitating
proper placement. During the counselling hours Acheinu
workers will be able to speak with the student's rov and
together decide on the right way to help the
Based on years of experience, Acheinu heads predict the move
will solve some of the minor difficulties that can interfere
with the bochur's progress, allowing him to overcome
small problems before they turn into major issues.