Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Chareidi World

27 Teves 5767 - January 17, 2007 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly










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Hidden Driving Instructor for Ambulance Drivers

by Yated Ne'eman Staff

To maintain high standards of professionalism Ezra Lemarpeh frequently sends its ambulance drivers to advanced emergency care and driving courses.

The organization has a longstanding arrangement with Or Yarok Lechaim and its founder Mr. Avi Naor to take advantage of the knowledge and professional skills that organization provides. Ezra Lemarpeh ambulance drivers periodically undergo emergency driving exercises in challenging conditions. Drivers practice maintaining control of the vehicle on wet, slippery roads and other adverse conditions at the organization's special training facility.

When Or Yarok Lechaim introduced Ezra Lemarpeh to the experimental, new Green Box it developed, Chairman Rabbi Elimelech Firer decided to have every Ezra Lemarpeh driver take part in the experiment.

The Green Box is akin to a hidden driving instructor. Based on a sensor that "studies" the forces exerted on the vehicle the device then conveys them to a central computer for analysis.

Every instance of excessive braking, failure to maintain an adequate driving distance, speeding, poorly negotiating curves or other irregularities indicative of a lack of composure at the wheel gets reported to the computer.

At the beginning of the experimental period, the driver knows the box is recording information on his driving but does not receive any feedback on how he passed the test. After a month has transpired, enough data on his driving habits has accumulated to generate a profile for the driver, who then begins to receive visual signals regarding his driving.

When the green light on the box is illuminated he knows his driving is fine and this information is of course entered into the computer. When his driving begins to become unsafe the light turns yellow as a warning before changing to red. At a later stage in the experiment the driver receives a message by cell phone and is even informed of data on his driving that has accumulated in the computer.

The goal of the experiment is to raise the driver's awareness regarding his own driving and to provide him tips for handling the wheel of the ambulance in a safer, more professional manner.

Ezra Lemarpeh drivers filled out detailed questionnaires containing dozens of probing questions designed to allow the driver to define his driving habits before the experiment and will be asked to fill out an identical questionnaire afterwards.


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