After publicizing a list of stores which have joined its
inspection program, Vaadas Hapikuach Lechanuyos activists
made a round of visits to gedolei Yisroel and Bnei
Brak rabbonim.
The activists presented the rabbonim with a list of stores,
saying that besiyata deShmaya they had succeeded in
carrying out the first stage of the task placed on their
shoulders by gedolei Yisroel shlita to provide bnos
Yisroel the opportunity to purchase seemly attire.
HaRav Aharon Leib Shteinman read through the list with
obvious satisfaction and wondered aloud how there could be
chareidi store owners who have not yet joined the program.
HaRav Wosner said he was pleased be'ezras Hashem there
are now clothing stores where Jewish women can shop without
concern, and expressed confidence additional store owners
would join the program. HaRav Nissim Karelitz, who has guided
the organization since its founding, encouraged the delegates
and suggested a course for further activity.
Vaadas Hapikuach operates in full cooperation with seminary
principals, who led the move to revive the adherence to
proper standards of modesty, which brought about the need to
ensure every student could find suitable clothes to buy
— sur meiro va'aseh tov. Seminary teachers
dedicated hours of their time to check stores, submitting
detailed reports on every store associated with Vaadas
Hapikuach. Many of the stores were not included on the list
after refusing to meet the committee's demands.
Certain stores that did join the inspection program had to
remove a number of items that failed to meet the criteria,
but the desire to heed the instructions of the rabbonim along
with the possibility of drawing customers seeking supervision
arrangements helped the store owners comply in order to avoid
creating stumbling blocks for Jews in the city.