Court Backs Jerusalem Mayor's Decision to Set Up Chareidi
Kindergartens in Ramat Eshkol
By Betzalel Kahn
The battle waged by Jerusalem Mayor Rabbi Uri Lupoliansky to
allow the city to set up chareidi kindergartens in Ramat
Eshkol has finally reached a conclusion. In response to a
petition filed by a small group of residents opposing the
Mayor's decision, this week District Court Judge Yehudit Tzur
announced she does not see any flaw in the decision to set up
the Eitz Hadaas kindergarten in the neighborhood and advised
the petitioners to retract their petition.
The Mayor's proposal entailed bringing in two prefab
structures to house kindergarten classrooms for chareidi
children on Rechov Nachlieli in Ramat Eshkol in light of
demographic changes in the neighborhood, which is now mostly
chareidi. Although none of the neighborhood's kindergarten
students are enrolled at government schools this year, a
portion of the 170 chareidi kindergarten students have to
study in rented apartments.