HaRav Simchah Kook Named Rov of Beis Knesses Churvah in
Old City
By Betzalel Kahn
HaRav Simchah Kook, rov of Rechovot, was named rov of Beis
Knesses Churvas Rebbe Yehuda Hachassid in Jerusalem's Old
City. The writ of nomination (ksav hachtoroh) was
signed by gedolei Yisroel shlita, including Maran
HaRav Eliashiv shlita.
The Churvah was built nearly 150 years ago on the remains of
a beis knesses built by the talmidim of Rebbe
Yehuda Hachassid (not the rishon who authored Sefer
Chassidim) over 300 years ago, but with the conquest of
the Old City by the Arabs in 5708 (1948) it was razed to the
ground. In recent years efforts have been made to renovate
and rebuild it and HaRav Eliashiv issued a directive to name
HaRav Kook rov of the shul. Before the ceremony HaRav Kook
went to HaRav Eliashiv's apartment to receive his
The event was led by Beitar Illit Mayor Rabbi Yitzchok
Pindrus, who asked the rov of the Jewish Quarter, HaRav
Avigdor Neventzahl, who hosted the hachtoroh ceremony
in his home, to speak in honor of the occasion. HaRav
Neventzahl discussed the importance of adding spiritual
content to the beis knesses under construction and the
need to appoint a rov and moreh derech to firmly
establish Torah there.
Other speakers included HaRav Eliyahu Medina, the Sephardic
rov of the Jewish Quarter, HaRav Yitzchok Ezrachi, one of the
roshei yeshiva of Yeshivas Mir, Chief Rabbi Moshe Shlomo
Amar, HaRav Shmuel Rabinovitz, rov of the Kosel Maarovi, and
finally HaRav Kook himself.