Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Charedi World

3 Adar 5767 - February 21, 2007 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly










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Shema Yisrael Torah Network


Government Approves Extension of Draft Deferment Law
By Betzalel Kahn

The government approved another five-year extension of the draft deferment law for yeshiva students at this week's cabinet meeting. The law was passed by 21 ministers, while the new justice minister, Daniel Freedman, abstained.

Excavation Work Threatens Uman Cemetery
By Yechiel Sever

Jews in Eretz Yisroel and abroad were shocked at the discovery excavation work was unexpectedly carried out at the ancient cemetery in Uman on Tuesday near the gravesite of R' Nachman of Breslov zechuso yogen oleinu.

Paris Archbishop Warns Against Outbreak of Antisemitism
By Arnon Yaffeh, Paris

Paris Archbishop Andre Vingt-Trois warned during a visit to Israel last week against "an outbreak of antisemitism in Europe" and promised that Catholics would assist the Jews and defend them.

Rise in Purim Sales
By R. Gil

The biggest grocery buying spree of the year in the chareidi community in Israel starts shortly before Rosh Chodesh Adar. The early-birds already set out on Purim-purchasing missions last weekend, but the peak comes the week before the holiday.

Con Man Tries to Defraud Jerusalem Yeshivas
By Betzalel Kahn

Alert yeshiva managers in a Jerusalem neighborhood led to the discovery of a professional con man posing as a donor who tried to swindle several yeshivas.

Coalition Talks Between PM Representatives and UTJ
By G. Lazer

Talks were held between Kadima and UTJ after Prime Minister Ehud Olmert decided to step up his efforts to bring UTJ into the coalition.

EMI Mortgage Insurance Enters Chareidi Sector
By R. Gil

Companies continue to view the chareidi public as an attractive marketing target based on its potential for personal growth. EMI, an Israeli mortgage insurance company and a part of the worldwide AIG Group, has been active in Israel since 1995.

Ezer Mitzion Collects 28,000 Blood Samples in One-Day Drive
By Yechiel Sever

Gathering 28,000 blood samples in a single day, Ezer Mitzion carried out the largest bone-marrow testing drive every held in Israel or elsewhere. Every participant is currently being entered into the organization's national blood-marrow database, which now contains 300,000 blood samples for genetic typing.

Belgian Historians Conclude the Country Actively Cooperated With Nazis
by Yated Ne'eman Staff

After Germany and France admitted their involvement in the process of exterminating the Jewish people in the Holocaust, a group of experts from the Centre for Historical Research and Documentation of War and Contemporary Society has published a comprehensive report commissioned by the Belgian Senate.

Life Sentences for Istanbul Synagogue Bombers
by Yated Ne'eman Staff

Seven terrorists who maintained ties with al Qaeda received life sentences for taking part in the attacks of November 2003 against Jewish and British targets in Istanbul. Twenty- six of the defendants who appeared before the court were acquitted and 29 were given prison sentences of varying length.

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