As part of preparations for the Shmittah year a national
conference was held for heads of educational institutions and
Degel Yerushalayim workers from around the country at the
event halls of Beis Haknesses Hagodol in Bnei Brak.
The opening speaker was HaRav Moshe Meir Heisler, author of
Degel Yerushalayim's sifrei halochoh and chairman of
the Degel Yerushalayim Halochoh Institute for Torah Research.
He said from one Shmittah year to the next the
sefer Dinei Shevi'is Hasholem continues to capture
wider audiences and there is great fondness for the
sefer among gedolei Yisroel from both the past
and present generations.
The Degel Yerushalayim keynote speech was delivered by Rabbi
Menachem Porush, who made a special effort to come from
Jerusalem to attend. He thanked all of the principals who had
traveled from faraway places to gather together. Other
speakers included the Admor of Vishnitz, HaRav Shmuel Eliezer
Stern, rosh yeshiva of Yeshivas Chug Chasam Sofer, and HaRav
Naftoli Tzvi Porush.
A letter of support by HaRav Shmuel Halevi Wosner
shlita was read aloud, followed by a symposium for
principals and Degel Yerushalayim organizers.
The conference was organized by Degel Yerushalayim in Bnei
Brak, headed by Rabbi Chaim Wichelder and his assistants, R'
Moshe Moses and R' Avrohom Mordechai Chassida.
Degel Yerushalayim heads are working to raise funds and find
loyal partners from Eretz Yisroel and abroad to help cover
the enormous costs of tests, prizes and other incentives to
encourage the study of Dinei Shevi'is Hasholem.