Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Chareidi World

4 Av 5767 - July 19, 2007 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly










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Shema Yisrael Torah Network

Opinion & Comment
Aveilus for the Churban

by HaRav Dov Tzvi Karelenstein

Let us accept that 19 Palestinian civilians were killed by an errant IDF shell in Beit Hanun last week — although the Palestinian record for truth in reporting is abysmal and there was no independent verification of the casualty figures. The true number of deaths may have really been anything from zero to 19.

Civilian deaths are the result of deliberate Palestinian policy. Why should Israel be condemned for them?

There have been many terrorist gangs, such as the Irish, the Basques and the Leftists of the 60s, who were prepared to attack even if they harmed innocent bystanders. They bombed their targets — such as military bases or corporate offices and stores — without too much regard for the loss of civilian life.

Yet they never made a deliberate policy of targeting civilians, something that is banned by all international war rules. The Palestinian terrorists, in contrast, openly declare that their targets are all Israelis, men, women and children, fighters or noncombatants.

Moreover, the Palestinians deliberately locate their own weapons and other military equipment in the middle of residential areas. They also locate their firing positions for Kassam rockets close to civilian homes. They intend and hope that their own people get hurt and killed so that they can produce good propaganda against Israel.

This is nothing less than their cultural goal. From a young age and in the official school systems, children are taught that death and martyrdom is admirable. Since the Palestinians took control of their education after the first Oslo agreements, young children recite slogans and poems glorifying the goal of becoming a shaheed and killing Americans and Jews.

Thus, tragic incidents like the one in Beit Hanun are really a goal of theirs.

Their responses?

Hamas government spokesman Ghazi Hamad said, "Israel should therefore be wiped off the map." Another Hamas spokesman swore to avenge the deaths, and called on all Palestinian groups to renew attacks inside Israel against any men, women and children they can find.

These are statements that they would make any day, tragic accident or not. It is part of the Hamas charter. Written in 1988, it calls for the elimination of Israel and Jews from Islamic holy land and portrays the Jews as evil, citing a history going back to the Crusades. It also includes a reference to the noted Russian forgery, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, and throws in an official condemnation of organizations like the American Rotary Club and the international Masons.

Every day rockets are launched at the south of Israel. They are targeted to kill, maim and damage. The security forces regularly foil suicide bombing plots and other violent attacks.

This is all according to their declared principles, according to their education and according to the public statements of their leaders in English and Arabic.

If Palestinians are so outraged at the killing of Palestinian civilians it is something of a self-contradiction if they call for the killing of Israeli civilians as an appropriate response. Much of the world interprets it as an understandable response to such a tragedy visiting them, as if it fell upon them from nowhere, but really it is all part of their own strategy.

Those who strive to be politically correct, constantly refer to a cycle of violence, as if the killing comes from both sides.

It is true that both sides kill, but one is action and one is reaction. It would seem that which is which could easily be determined even by a thought experiment.

If the Palestinians stopped their attacks, Israel would stop its attacks in response. If no Kassams were to fall there would be no artillery barrages in response. IDF officers say that firing a few shells at an area which may be used as a launch site for Kassams prevents this later use. If the peaceful citizens of Sderot and Ashkelon would cease to be Palestinian rocket crew targets, those crews would cease to be IDF targets.

However if Israel stopped its attacks, the Palestinians would not stop their attacks.

If these simple truths were recognized, it could lead to some betterment of the situation. As long as the discussion is dominated by lies and deception, the prospects are bleak.

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