Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Chareidi World

12 Tammuz 5767 - June 28, 2007 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly










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Conference of Eurasian Rabbis Held in Jerusalem

by Yated Ne'eman Staff

"I praise each and every one of you for great success in Torah and yiras Shomayim in all places — lehagdil Torah ulehadiroh," Maran HaRav Eliashiv shlita told dozens of rabbonim participating in the Conference of Eurasian Rabbis, who paid a visit to his home on Sunday 8 Tammuz. The rabbis, who held their third conference in Jerusalem, were presented to Maran by Conference of European Rabbis Director HaRav Moshe Lebel, who serves as rosh yeshiva of Yeshivas Toras Chaim in Moscow.

The meeting with HaRav Eliashiv brought the two-day conference to a close. During the event the rabbonim addressed a variety of issues including halachic problems in the former Soviet Union, building community systems, establishing which customs to follow in places where the kehilloh stopped functioning, verifying Jewish status in intermarried families, halachic ramifications of civil marriage, kashrus supervision credibility and kashrus problems. The rabbonim decided that the Moscow beis din headed by HaRav Pinchos Goldschmidt would serve as the beis din for the Conference of Eurasian Rabbis as well, handling marriage and divorce, monetary matters, kashrus and more. Conference-goers heard shiurim and lectures on these and other issues by given by numerous rabbonim and halochoh figures.

HaRav Y. Cohen, chairman of the Conference of Eurasian Rabbis, and HaRav Goldschmidt, announced in the name of hundreds of rabbonim from the Conference of Eurasian Rabbis and the Conference of European Rabbis that they strongly opposed the initiative to bring rabbis from Israel to the former Soviet Union and Europe to perform conversions. On the first day of the conference, rabbonim from the Conference met with members of the Knesset Immigration and Absorption Committee, saying they would work to stop the plan from going through.

HaRav Goldschmidt said that all of the rabbonim and kehillos of Eurasia, who receive assistance and guidance in all areas of Jewish life and representation in the Conference, chose to show solidarity with Israel and the struggle over Jewish identity here. He went on to say the Conference "would continue to build botei knesses, schools and talmudei Torah in every location that shows an interest and to nurture Jewish life in all of the communities as instructed by gedolei Yisroel in keeping with the age-old Jewish tradition."

In a speech he delivered before the main gathering of the Eurasian Jewish Congress held at the Metzudat David Hotel, HaRav Goldschmidt said botei knesses and botei medrash and community centers are Jewish embassies and extra-territorial facilities around the world, providing a connection between the Jews and Israel. He praised conference patron and chairman of the Eurasian Jewish Congress, Alexander Moskowitz, for his initiative in building botei knesses and community centers in Kazakhstan. "We promise the Conference of European Rabbis will send to each of the botei knesses and Jewish community centers rabbis and spiritual leaders trained for the task in order to fill them with pure Jewish content and pass on the Torah tradition in its time-honored form, to run Jewish community life with an education toward Torah and yiras Shomayim."

At the gathering Mr. Moskowitz said the Congress would continue assisting every kehilloh seeking to expand its activity in order to increase Torah study and observance.


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