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In recent weeks the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange average has been
gathering momentum and has passed one thousand points for the
first time, generating much enthusiasm. A word or two of
caution concerning the Torah's prohibition of lending on
interest is in order however for those contemplating getting
involved or who are already involved.
I spoke to HaRav Aryeh Dvir, head of the Institute for
Economics According to Halochoh which is affiliated with the
Beis Hamedrash for Halochoh in Settlements, about some of the
potential dangers that face the observant investor. "Many
fine, upright people are unaware that they are lending their
money on interest," Rav Dvir warns sadly. He is currently
making great efforts to minimize the many danger spots in
this area.
Over ten years ago the Torah community in Eretz Yisroel
was in turmoil over the questionable validity of the
heterei iska that the Israeli banks were using. The
heter iska avoids a situation where prohibited
interest is being either charged or received by stipulating
that an investment is half-loan and half-deposit
(iska). While the lender may not receive any return on
the loan (which would be interest), he is entitled to profits
earned by his deposit and furthermore, he can demand that the
borrower take an oath that no profits are being withheld. The
heter allows the borrower to pay a certain
predetermined percentage in lieu of swearing this oath.
Obviously, for the heter to work it must be binding on
both parties.
The commotion was precipitated by HaRav Eliashiv stating his
opinion that so long as the directors of the banks did not
sign a legally binding document to the effect that heterei
iska were an integral part of their contractual
arrangements with their customers and that they were legally
bound by their terms, the heteirim had no validity.
HaRav Eliashiv expressed a similar opinion with regard to the
standard forms used in the sale of chometz prior to
Pesach, which is a similar legal transaction. He ruled that a
seller who does not observe mitzvos is not fully committed to
upholding the transaction unless the document is legally
binding. Forms were thereupon altered to obligate the parties
legally as well as halachically.
At the time, this author revealed an official communication
issued by the Bank of Israel at the request of one of the
banks. This document confirmed the worst fears, saying that,
"The banks' heter iska serves to assure the customers
that the bank's transactions conform to the spirit of the
halochoh. [However,] as far as the general law of the land is
concerned no customer or bank can enforce any rights or
entitlements arising from it, upon the Bank of Israel." This
left it quite clear that the iska agreements between
the various banks and their customers were devoid of
In response to inquiries, the Bank of Israel deferred to a
High Court decision in 1986 which ruled that heter
iska is valid. In practice however, following a case
where they were sued for losses on the deposit part of the
investment, several banks refused to recognize the
heter as legally binding. They merely acknowledged it
as a document of `religious value.' This led to HaRav
Eliashiv's ruling that heter iska agreements with the
banks cannot be relied upon in the absence of a declaration
by the management that they regard them as legally
At HaRav Eliashiv's request, his emissary HaRav Yosef Efrati
set up the Institute for Economics According to Halochoh,
headed by HaRav Aryeh Dvir, to act as a framework within
which such issues could be dealt with. Rav Dvir then held a
series of meting with the directors of the different banks in
order to hear their views and to explain the workings of the
heter iska. After consulting HaRav Eliashiv and
holding negotiations, several alterations were made in the
standard form of the iska, reassuring the banks'
directors and enabling them to give the desired confirmation
that the agreement is legally binding.
Q. When did the practice of making a general heter
iska originate?
Rav Dvir: The heter iska entered into with the
banks is indeed a general one, meaning that it takes effect
automatically, without requiring the explicit consent of the
parties. The idea was first suggested by Rav Ezriel Eiger
zt'l, a great grandson of Rabbi Akiva Eiger
zt'l, as a measure that would benefit the public.
Everyone would make a heter iska and declare on
erev Rosh Hashanah that all transactions in the coming
year would be subject to its terms. The precedent for such an
arrangement is the Shulchan Oruch's ruling (Yoreh
Dei'ah 311:2, according to the first view) that one can
make such a condition to annul in advance any vows one makes.
(However, the condition only takes effect if one forgot about
it and made a vow inadvertently and if the same would be true
of an iska made in advance.) This is similar to the
preconditions that we make after hatoras nedorim on
erev Rosh Hashonoh.
HaRav Isser Zalman Meltzer zt'l, HaRav Aharon Kotler
zt'l, and other gedolei Yisroel took issue with
this approach. They argued that a prior declaration is
effective for vows because making a vow involves only one
party. However monetary transactions involve two parties and
there is no reason whatsoever that one side's prearranged
condition or declaration should be binding on the other
Furthermore, here the condition needs to do more than effect
annulment as it does for vows. An iska imposes
obligations on the parties and there is no proof from
Yoreh Dei'ah 311 that a general condition can do this.
A further objection is that a simple declaration of intent is
sufficient with vows because even after they take effect they
can be annulled simply by determining that clear grounds for
regret exist. However, in order for a stipulation to have the
power of undermining a transaction between two parties,
whether of a monetary or other nature, it must be formulated
according to the halachos that govern conditions e.g. both
eventualities must be expressed: "If . . . and if not" etc. A
condition expressed in general terms, these gedolim
argued, would not be effective.
Q. What was their opinion about the heter iska
arrangements with the banks?
Rav Dvir: With regard to the banks they agreed that
even a heter iska that was formulated as a generalized
declaration of intent would be valid, as long as the bank
adopted it as one of their regulations. This is because the
banks are run as limited companies and anyone dealing with
them implicitly accepts all the company's regulations. If for
example, a regulation requires the signature of two people,
it will not be binding so long as it only carries one
signature. Heter iska is the same. It is not a one-
sided agreement. There are two parties to it. HaRav Eliashiv
ruled however that even though this arrangement can be relied
upon, it is still best that each customer draws up an
individual heter iska with the bank.
Q. Do the banks cooperate?
Rav Dvir: In the course of our institute's work and
our discussions with the directorates of the banks, some of
them agreed to allow the signatories in their branches to
sign an iska individually with any customer who wants
this. It's important to stress that only the form kept by the
banks should be used because this is the only one accepted by
the banks' directorates as binding, on which the signatories
are authorized to sign.
Q. To judge from the information released over the
years, the banks have dealt with the issue of heter
iska properly. But this still hasn't solved all the
problems . . .
Rav Dvir: Various additional investment opportunities
are available in today's economic scene: trust funds,
provident funds, training funds, pension funds. The
customer's money is invested on the stock exchange in
government debentures, concern debentures, exchange
debentures, shares in Israel and abroad and other options.
Q. How can bonds involve problems of interest?
Rav Dvir: When a customer lends money to a company or
if he purchases a corporate bond that pays interest. (This
however, would not be a problem according to those who hold
that there is no problem of interest in lending to a limited
company (corporation). See Igros Moshe Yoreh Dei'ah 60-
3 and HaRav Eliashiv's Kovetz Teshuvos, vol. III,
siman 124.)
The only way investing in debentures is permitted is where
the issuing companies operate on the basis of a halachically
acceptable heter iska. In this case it is sufficient
that the company have a general heter. No individual
iska need be made since the lender is observant and he
lends on the basis of the heter iska. For this reason
it is also not necessary that the iska appear on the
Q. What about government bonds?
Rav Dvir: There is no problem of interest with funds
that invest all their capital in government bonds because the
government has a halachically acceptable heter iska.
Furthermore, in his sefer, Har Tzvi, HaRav Tzvi Pesach
Frank zt'l, permits lending to the government at
interest, even though he rules stringently with regard to
loans to limited companies.
Q. In that case the problem can easily be solved by
the directors of the various funds signing on a heter
Rav Dvir: Many people make this mistake: Signing on an
iska with the Funds doesn't solve the problem because
they only act as agents in making the investments. The
iska must be made with each and every company that
issues bonds. In addition, when buying bonds, or upon the
direct issue of bonds by a company that doesn't observe
Shabbos, the investor is liable to transgress the prohibition
of abetting those who transgress mitzvos . (See HaRav
Eliashiv's Kovetz Teshuvos, vol. III, siman
This is also a problem with buying shares in companies that
don't have heter iska or that don't keep Shabbos or
other mitzvos. There are grounds for permitting the purchase
of shares in such companies. This is not considered lending
at interest since the investor is open to both the company's
losses and its profits (see the above teshuvoh, para.
1); neither is he a true partner. However, it is still
preferable to avoid abetting Torah transgressors and possibly
benefiting from Shabbos earnings.
Q. Have you taken this up with the investment
companies that trade on the stock market?
Rav Dvir: We approached them and asked them to arrange
a heter iska to put things on a halachically
acceptable footing and their board of directors to pass a
binding resolution on the matter. This is a much simpler
situation than with the banks because here the Torah
observant public are the lenders, not the borrowers. If they
agree there is no danger of the lender questioning the
agreement's validity. Although it was made clear to them that
they lose nothing by signing on a heter iska and
moreover, even if they sustain losses, nobody will claim the
deposit back from them, let alone ask for interest, many of
them wouldn't agree.
Q. Does the fact that the heter iska doesn't
appear on the stock exchange prospectus have any halachic
Rav Dvir: We obtained an opinion on this from the
Ministry of Justice, according to which, the fact that the
company's council of directors validates the heter
iska is sufficient to confer legal validity and to make
the issue of bonds subject to the iska, instead of
being a loan on interest. Sadly though, very few companies
have agreed to our request. Only if the chareidi public is
insistent, demanding that its investments be made in
companies that have a halachically sound heter iska
and refraining from purchasing these debentures until this is
done, is there a chance of more companies that issue bonds
undertaking to arrange a heter iska.
Q. What about investments in trust funds, training
funds and provident funds?
Rav Dvir: We've already dealt with funds that invest
in bonds. Most of these funds however, invest in companies
that don't keep Shabbos, or that transgress other mitzvos,
such as non-kosher food. Besides the issue of interest, there
is the matter of abetting transgressors and of benefiting
from Shabbos earnings.
Q. Doesn't simply purchasing a share turn the investor
into a partner in the company?
Rav Dvir: Not in HaRav Eliashiv's opinion, since
owning a share doesn't give the purchaser any possibility or
right to voice an opinion (as explained in the aforementioned
teshuvoh). Nevertheless, being a shareholder does
involve abetting transgressors and other Torah prohibitions.
This is particularly true when shares are bought from the
company at the time of their issue. It's also a chilul
Hashem for chareidim to buy shares that involve all these
halachic problems.
Q. Does the chareidi public have enough influence to
change things?
Rav Dvir: Undoubtedly, the observant public has a lot
of power to effect changes. The chareidi and observant
publics have significant economic strength and this should be
exploited. While we do not wish to impose our views on non-
observant people, when we invest our money in the various
funds we do have the right to demand that they should be run
according to halochoh and that money shouldn't be invested in
places that do not operate according to halochoh.
Q. The current problem also involves the pension
funds, which have passed from the banks' control to that of
the insurance companies.
Rav Dvir: Correct. But here too, the arrangements are
the same as those we've already discussed. The funds act on
behalf of the investors in buying bonds and shares. Here too,
we can only succeed if the chareidi public knows how to wield
its power and refrains from opening pension finds with
companies that invest without any supervision. They should
invest either in government bonds or in concern bonds, which
have a heter iska and buy shares in companies that
observe Shabbos and are not involved in any other
In the present situation the public should demand that there
be close and constant supervision over the way the various
funds operate, to ensure that investments are made in
accordance with halochoh. The desired result will only be
achieved through public insistence and bringing concentrated
pressure to bear.
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