Bottled Water Industry is the Fastest Growing in the
By R. Gil
This year's holiday table will be more varied but healthier
than ever, at least among those who choose to serve the new
drink: Aqua Nova Soda. The trend towards more healthy foods
serves as a marketing booster and has been transformed into
an official marketing strategy at a significant number of
Tempo, a veteran in the beverage industry with 60 percent of
beer sales and an annual turnover estimated at NIS 800
million ($190 million), is leading the way. After
strengthening its diet drinks (its flagship product, Pepsi
Max, commands over 20 percent of the market) and beers
(recently it launched Goldstar Lite, which contains 30
percent less calories) the company is gradually waging a
campaign for the water market. One year ago it launched Aqua
Nova bottled water in an attempt to raise the threshold for
clean water in Israel.
What potential do you see in bottled water for the
Tempo Chairman Jack Bar: Today water is at every
family event and work meeting. It's much more than a thirst-
quenching drink. In France water is like wine and there are
special experts who select the best water to go with a given
meal. We see water as a platform for continued personal
growth and for launching other products that will fit today's
spirit of healthy nutrition.
What potential do these kinds of health-food labels have
in the chareidi sector?
JB: Although the chareidi consumer is still perceived
as using inexpensive products due to the sector's low average
income levels, we are seeing greater sophistication in
consumption habits in terms of brands as well, especially
nutritional values. Since last year, when we began to operate
in the sector through the chareidi unit of McCann Ericson,
there has been a boost in marketing to the chareidi sector.
As the only company that does not advertise on Shabbat and as
someone who comes from inside the sector, we have a strong
awareness of the special sensibilities and needs and will
work to strengthen the connection through advertisement and
focused moves.
What innovations can we expect to see? Does Barkan
Wineries, which is under your ownership, plan to enter the
chareidi sector?
JB: All of the products we produced will accommodate
the spirit of health consciousness. We plan to grow by 10
percent in the sector this year. Regarding Barkan, is has not
reached its full potential in the sector and we are currently
addressing the issue to overcome the problem of wine