Average Household Spends NIS 700-1,100 on Pesach
By M. Green
Average total Pesach expenses hover around the NIS 1,800
($430) mark per household, while the typical food and drink
bill ranges from NIS 700 to NIS 1,100 ($170-$260) according
to a survey conducted by the Federation of Israeli Chambers
of Commerce's Department of Economics and Taxes. However many
chareidi households with large families spend much more.
The total for all households comes to NIS 3.5 billion ($830
million), which is 22 percent more than the same period of
time not during a holiday season.
The survey also showed that average household expenses not
including food total NIS 2.0 billion ($480 million) and are
broken down as follows: fuel and transportation 15 percent,
performances 20 percent, toys and games 3 percent, foreign
travel 20 percent, trips and vacations 10 percent, clothing
and footwear 8 percent, household furnishings and electrical
appliances 7 percent and restaurant dining 17 percent.
The Department of Economics and Taxes also reports that
during the month Pesach falls, the number of salaried
positions increases 2 percent (13,000 jobs). The number of
salaried positions in the retail and wholesale industries
increases 1.6 percent (5,000 jobs), the guest and food
services industry posts a 5.5 percent rise in the number of
salaried positions (5,500 jobs) and the transportation
industry sees a growth of 1.4 percent (1,900 jobs).