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And all those who occupy themselves with the needs of the
community faithfully . . .
Chareidi Jewry owes much to its askonim who were at
the forefront of its struggles a generation ago in Eretz
Yisroel. We want to ask, `Where are they today?' and also
to take this opportunity to remember those personalities,
their activities, their association with gedolei Yisroel,
ztvk'l and ylct'a. We also want to bring stories
and anecdotes from those long-ago days of the beginning of
the chareidi settlement in Israel after the horrendous
Holocaust years, which brought Jews from all over the world
to Eretz Yisroel.
Rabbi Shlomo Lorincz, Rabbi Yehuda Meir Abramowicz, Rabbi
Menachem Porush, Rabbi Moshe Yehoshua Lapidot and HaRav Dovid
Zicherman are part of a long list of chareidi askonim
in Eretz Yisroel, with some serving in official
political roles while others had various communal
responsibilities. They are people of the previous generation
or generations and some are nearing, or have even passed, the
age of ninety. During their long lives (may they live and be
well until 120) full of public service, they witnessed
endless incidents, stories and so on.
We have tried to focus on some of the most interesting
personalities from past generations. These are people who
were once at the peak of communal service but have now left,
whether due to age, the wish to change direction or other
Each one could fill several volumes of a book. Rabbi Menachem
Porush, in fact, took the turbulent times in the Jerusalem of
his father, Rabbi Moshe Porush zt'l, and turned it
into six bulging and enthralling volumes. Rabbi Menachem
Porush has already prepared a number of further volumes about
his own decades of activity. They will be published, although
not in the foreseeable future, he says.
It would be no problem to hear the engrossing tales of these
people for hours. Our purpose, however, is to remember them,
their work, their connections with gedolei Yisroel,
ztvk'l and ylct'a, and to bring some stories and
anecdotes from those long-ago days.
It is interesting to note the differences between then and
now. The difference between the attitudes of those in power
in the State of Israel then, as against now, to various
current issues. We are talking about prime ministers of the
early days who vehemently hated religion and caused tens of
thousands of Jews to leave Yiddishkeit, primarily new
immigrants. During those first years of the State of Israel
issues were determined by a "status quo" agreement
which froze the situation as it was. This included such
delicate problems as the deferment of yeshiva bochurim
from army service, the exemption of religious girls from
Sherut Leumi and the struggles then — which
barely exist today — against missionaries and the
forcible removal of new immigrant children from
Today, in contrast, it is the State itself which is on the
defensive against the Torah activities taking place amongst
those immigrants, their children and the second and third
generation of the immigrants of forty, fifty and sixty years
The Hearts of Kings and Princes are in the hands of
Rabbi Shlomo Lorincz
A short while after Rabbi Shlomo Lorincz became a Member of
the Knesset as a representative of the Zeirei Agudas Yisroel
party within the framework of Agudas Yisroel in 5712 (1951),
he visited the USA. Rabbi Lorincz succeeded in doing what
almost no other Knesset members had done, either then or now,
as he met with the American president Harry Truman. The
encounter took place in the president's hometown of Kansas
City. Rabbi Lorincz was accompanied by one of the town's
rabbonim, Rav Solomon.
During their conversation, the US president explained the
background which had resulted in the recognition by the USA
of the State of Israel when the United Nations vote had taken
place a few years earlier in 1948, even though it had been
arguably against the immediate American interests at the
"My childhood years were spent in a neighborhood with Jewish
families whom I admired very much," President Truman told
Rabbi Lorincz. "On Saturday I would turn the lights on and
off for one of the Jewish families, and I received a slice of
bread as payment. My father had the custom to read from the
Bible with me every Sunday, and we read about Cyrus, King of
Persia, who allowed the Jews to return to the Land of Judah
and build the Temple in Jerusalem. I thought to myself that
when the day would come and I would be the president of the
United States, just as every American boy fantasizes, I would
do the same as King Cyrus had done."
Truman added that when Chaim Weitzman, later the president of
Israel, had visited him bearing a small sefer Torah
with the request that he instruct the United States
ambassador to the United Nations to support the establishment
of the State of Israel, he had recalled that childhood dream
of his. Truman also said to the then-MK Rabbi Shlomo Lorincz
that only he and Stalin (then the president of the Soviet
Union) knew how the world was in danger.
"I believe that just like you Jews saved humanity by your
Torah around three thousand years ago, so I believe and
expect that today too, the Jewish people will succeed in
enlightening and healing the cruel hearts of our times and
save the world from complete destruction."
"And this," Rabbi Lorincz said later from the Knesset podium,
"is what the world leaders expect from the Jewish people
— that the best of the non-Jewish intelligentsia know
that the role of the Jewish people is to be a light unto the
nations and to save the world through Torah."
Rabbi Shlomo Lorincz was born in Budapest, Hungary into a
family of famous rabbonim. He learned in the Papa
Yeshiva and later moved to Poland where he became the first
Hungarian bochur to travel to the Mir Yeshiva. He sees
Maran HaGaon Hatzaddik R' Yeruchom ztvk'l as his
rebbi muvhok and quoted from his mussar talks
many times in his speeches in the Knesset.
Before the Second World War he returned to Hungary at the
directive of Maran HaMashgiach R' Yechezkel Levenstein
ztvk'l. His natural leadership qualities began to be
evident when he organized illegal immigration ships to
Eretz Yisroel through Agudas Yisroel. He immigrated to
Eretz Yisroel in 5699 (1939) and served as a rosh
mesivta in the Pleitas Sofrim Yeshiva for those who were
originally from Hungary and which was part of Heichal
HaTalmud in Tel Aviv.
Soon after his arrival in Eretz Yisroel he became
close to Maran the Chazon Ish ztvk'l, who recognized
his potential as a leader and man of action. He began to
enlist him for a great number of Torah activities, and
through them he became one of the builders of Torah
Yiddishkeit both in Eretz Yisroel and
throughout the world, in the wake of the Holocaust.
In 5709 (1949), he was one of the founders of the southern
settlement of Kommemiyus. Later he was one of the founders of
Chinuch Atzmai, spending long periods abroad with gedolei
haTorah in the USA. He dragged himself from house to
house collecting tzedokoh so that schools could be
opened throughout Eretz Yisroel. He created the
Digleinu newspaper which quickly became the mouthpiece
for the da'as Torah of Maranan the Chazon Ish and R'
Yitzchok Zev of Brisk. He founded, together with his friends
from Zeirei Agudas Yisroel, the No'ar Agudati youth group for
the religious boys in Eretz Yisroel, as a means of instilling
in them the hashkofoh of gedolei Yisroel and
directing them to learn in yeshivas.
His most impressive life-works include the children's
villages Sdei Chemed and Chazon Yechezkel which rescued
thousands of young people from the clutches of the
irreligious. Also he had a hand in building the Zeirei Agudas
Yisroel neighborhoods in Bnei Brak as well as thirty- two
Zeirei Agudas Yisroel shuls throughout the country.
Finally, he has served as a senior member in the management
of Merkaz of Chinuch Atzmai in Eretz Yisroel.
Rabbi Lorincz has enjoyed, both in the past and present, a
special relationship with gedolei Yisroel. Readers of
Yated Ne'eman enjoyed his series of articles on the
Chazon Ish, the Brisker Rov, Maran the Steipler and Morenu
HaRav Shach, ztvk'l, with more on the way, be'ezras
Hashem. In his writing, Rabbi Lorincz excels in
describing the lifestyles and communal directives of
gedolei Yisroel firsthand.
As the confidant of gedolei Yisroel, Rabbi Lorincz was
sent to the Knesset as the delegate of Zeirei Agudas Yisroel
in the Agudas Yisroel party. This was the faction most
closely associated with the yeshivas and the roshei yeshiva.
In many ways, the current Degel Hatorah is the successor of
Zeirei Agudas Yisroel, even though Zeirei continues to exist.
He was the personal ambassador of the gedolei Yisroel
from the second Knesset through the tenth Knesset and
represented the Torah world with pride for thirty-three
He was known as a sharp parliamentarian who clearly and
elegantly expressed Torah values. He was admired across the
political spectrum in the Knesset, due to his rare insight
and pleasing personality. His professionalism and honesty
were so well recognized that he served as Chairman of the
Knesset Finance Committee for the duration of his last three
terms. There has not been any MK, before or since, who has
worked for so long in this senior position.
Upon retiring from the Knesset he was appointed Head of the
Advisory Council of the Bank of Israel, and Rabbi Lorincz's
signature embellishes all the Israeli banknotes which have
been printed in the last twenty years.
His son, HaRav Yitzchok Lorincz, rosh mesivta in the
Kol Torah Yeshiva, adds that his father returned to learning
like a yeshiva bochur, since leaving the Knesset, and
he no longer speaks about communal issues. Similarly, Rabbi
Lorincz declines any request for newspaper interviews, except
for one interview which he gave to the financial paper
Globes about two years ago, in accordance with his
obligation at the time as Head of the Advisory Council of the
Bank of Israel.
In recent years Rabbi Lorincz has had the merit to publish a
sefer of chiddushim, Milu'ei Shlomo, on various
Torah topics, and his correspondence of divrei Torah
with gedolei Yisroel. An askan devoting himself
so wholeheartedly to high-level learning is a unique
Maran HaRav Yosef Sholom Eliashiv shlita writes in his
letter at the beginning of the book: "My opinion is that
there is an importance in publishing chidushei Torah .
. . and here there is a particular importance for glory and
to show the correct way to those who busy themselves with the
community's needs. Even if they are occupied with mitzvos
which others are unable to do, every Jew must return to his
Torah study. Look in the haskomoh of the author of
Oneg Yomtov on the sefer Shai Lamorah on
maseches Bechoros who says there, `And I have found
only one in a thousand who is engaged in business, whose
interest lies wholly in Toras Hashem.' "
At the beginning of his book, Rabbi Shlomo Lorincz brings a
number of stories from the time when he was one of the
principal chareidi askonim, which show how unfortunate
a person is who is far from Torah and mitzvos.
Rabbi Lorincz asked David Ben-Gurion after he was no longer
prime minister if there was something he regretted having
done during his years in office. Ben-Gurion answered, "No!
Except for having exempted yeshiva bochurim from army
When Rabbi Lorincz asked him why he was sorry, Ben-Gurion sat
there without answering for a number of long minutes.
"His face was pouring with sweat from embarrassment at being
unable to respond, and he had no answer," Rabbi Lorincz
relates. "So I answered for him: `Don't exert yourself.
You'll never have an answer. I'll tell you the answer. There
is no answer according to human logic, but it is a simple,
though ancient, secret. "The hearts of kings and ministers
are in the hand of Hashem." While you were prime minister and
minister of defense, your heart was in Hashem's hand so you
couldn't do what you would have liked to do yourself and
draft the yeshiva bochurim. Now that you have
resigned, your heart is again within your control, so you
have regrets according to your own opinion.'"
Incidentally, Moshe Dayan who was the minister of defense for
many years and helped release the yeshiva bochurim in
many different ways, also told Rabbi Lorincz in later years
that he regretted nothing that he had done, apart from his
agreement to exempt the yeshiva bochurim.
There is another, more famous story. Once the then-prime
minister, Golda Meir, divulged her worries to Rabbi Lorincz:
"I'm really troubled, to the point that many times I can't
fall asleep."
Rabbi Lorincz enquired whether it was due to the security,
financial or social situation. Meir answered that all those
problems could be solved. "I'm disturbed that one day my
children and grandchildren will say to themselves, `Why
should we battle with so many difficulties in our country?
— in America we can live peacefully with no problems.'
And they'll leave."
Mrs. Meir added that she had no such worries about Rabbi
Lorincz's children and grandchildren.
"I am certain that your grandchildren and descendants will
never leave Eretz Yisroel since they are connected to
it with their very souls."
When Rabbi Lorincz asked her that if that was correct why she
had fought chareidi education her whole life, the former
prime minister replied, "Believe me, Rabbi Lorincz, many
times I think that I erred!"
The Brochoh for the Separate Beach
Rabbi Yehuda Meir Abramowicz
A short while after the new separate beach was opened in Tel
Aviv for frum people, Rabbi Yehuda Meir Abramowicz,
the man who had made the arrangements, was invited to the
home of the Chazon Ish.
"You must tell me which great mitzvah you have done in the
past, since one mitzvah leads to another," said the Chazon
"I envy you the reward you will receive in Olom Habo
for this deed," he added.
Rabbi Yehuda Meir Abramowicz had a remarkable relationship
with the gedolei Yisroel of previous generations.
These included the Chazon Ish, Maran HaRav MiPonevezh, the
Beis Yisroel, the Vishnitzer Rebbe, ztvk'l, and many
other of the leaders of chareidi Yiddishkeit at the
time. Today, fifty or sixty years later, Rabbi Abramowicz
remembers wonderful stories from his close ties with
gedolei Yisroel concerning communal matters.
Rabbi Yehuda Meir Abramowicz is the chairman of the World
Council of Agudas Yisroel. He is a very elderly man of more
than ninety years, with tons of public service and
askonus to his credit, and he still has a clear mind
and an incredible memory.
He was born in Lodz, Poland. At the age of twenty, in 5696
(1935), he settled in Eretz Yisroel. While still in
Poland, he had learned and received semichoh at
Yeshivas Chachmei Lublin in Lublin.
When he arrived in Eretz Yisroel he began to teach
children, and did so for a number of years. In 5700 (1940) he
was chosen secretary of the Central Committee of the Agudas
Yisroel movement in Eretz Yisroel. Later, in 5708 (1948), he
was elected to be General Secretary of Agudas Yisroel.
Over time he has served as a member of the World Council of
Agudas Yisroel, chairman of the Political Committee of World
Agudas Yisroel, chairman of the Tel Aviv Jaffa branch of
Agudas Yisroel, Agudas Yisroel's representative on the
Religious Committee of the Supreme Command of the Haganah,
member of the "Committee of Four" at the Ministry of Defense
whose job it was to release religious girls from military
service, vice-chairman of the Tel Aviv Jaffa Religious
Council, member of Tel Aviv Jaffa City Council and Head of
the Social Work Section in Tel Aviv Jaffa, a position he held
for twenty-two years.
Rabbi Abramowicz was elected to the Seventh Knesset and was
an MK for three successive terms, becoming also deputy
speaker of the Knesset and a member of various committees. He
represented the chareidim, their beliefs and requirements,
with pride and strength, in the same way as all the chareidi
MKs. He is well remembered for an important law which he
passed, which is known as the Abramowicz Law. This law
requires safety-belts to be fitted in the rear- seats of
vehicles. Many drivers are careless about this, but the
police often stringently implement it, which is good.
Now, Rabbi Abramowicz leaves his home in the Sha'arei Chessed
neighborhood of Jerusalem each morning to catch an early
shacharis. After breakfast he rests a little and then
learns bechavrusa with a bochur from Yeshivas
Ma'alos HaTorah. His family tells us that his mind is sharp
although he is physically weak, as one would expect at his
age. However he is able to attend important events such as
family simchas.
As previously mentioned, Rabbi Abramowicz was a member of the
Committee of Four whose function was to approve the release
of girls who asserted that they kept Shabbos, from military
service. There were non-religious girls who also presented
themselves to the committee, but received a release in any
case. One Shabbos, army personnel made a spot check at places
of entertainment in Tel Aviv and discovered girls there who
had stated that they kept Shabbos, in order to be freed from
military service. Ben-Gurion summoned Rabbi Abramowicz to his
office and raged at his awarding exemptions to girls like
"I went to ask the Chazon Ish to ask him what I should do,"
Rabbi Abramowicz relates. "His answer was, `Continue to grant
exemptions to every girl who wants one. It's on my head.' And
that's what happened."
Another example which shows how the Chazon Ish held him in
high esteem is the following story.
At that time, when refugees were coming to Eretz Yisroel
from all over the world, there were not as many yeshivas
and places to learn Torah as there are today. Not every young
bochur carried on learning until marriage and then
continued in a kolel. Many began working while still
very young.
When Rabbi Abramowicz's son reached bar mitzvah age in 5713
(1953), he came to invite the Ponevezher Rov to the
celebration, who asked him if he had also invited the Chazon
"I answered that there was no chance that he would come. The
Chazon Ish was already very old, it being only a year before
he passed away. But in the end I went to the Chazon Ish's
home. To my surprise he told me that he would come, on two
conditions. The first, that he wouldn't eat anything there;
and the second, that the bochur would stay in yeshiva
until he got married. The Chazon Ish did come and stayed for
a while," relates Rabbi Abramowicz.
At the time of Rabbi Shlomo Goren's mamzeirim parsha
(when Rabbi Goren published a permission to marry for a
brother and sister who were mamzeirim in a move that
was criticized by all maranan verabonon, both
individually and collectively) an emergency meeting of the
Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah was convened. Unusually two great
poskim, Maran HaRav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach
ztvk'l and ylct'a Maran HaRav Yosef Sholom
Eliashiv shlita, who were not members of the Moetzes
Gedolei Hatorah, were invited to come. However all attempts
at persuasion were unsuccessful and HaRav Auerbach refused to
take part in the meeting, firm in his resolution not to
participate in Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah discussions.
At a certain point the Beis Yisroel decided to send Rabbi
Abramowicz to the house of HaRav Shlomo Zalman in the
Sha'arei Chessed neighborhood. Following a long conversation
he succeeded in convincing HaRav Auerbach to go to the
special meeting. "I saw that the Beis Yisroel had much
pleasure from what I had done," he later recounted.
Rabbi Abramowicz also delivered many messages between the
Beis Yisroel and the Vishnitzer Rebbe. These included many
suggestions about communal matters which the Gerrer Rebbe
wanted to show the Vishnitzer Rebbe in order to ask for his
Once, the Vishnitzer Rebbe said to Rabbi Abramowicz, "Tell
the Gerrer Rebbe that he doesn't need to send you anymore. I
accept everything he suggests. He is a holy Yid. He
has saved my life more than once through his
There were successful missions with senior figures in the
government during the period that he served as General
Secretary of Agudas Yisroel. Talmudei Torah had been
set up in a number of Tel Aviv neighborhoods. However, the
municipality refused to pay for their upkeep and cleaning. At
that time the mayor was Yisroel Rokach.
One day Rabbi Abramowicz, together with Rabbi Yitzchok Meir
Levin z'l the chairman of Agudas Yisroel, arrived at
his office. They tried to persuade him to pay for the
cleaning and upkeep of the city's chareidi institutions, but
had no success.
"Your talmudei Torah are not recognized by the
Education Ministry and you have no representative on the
municipality, so there is no reason to take your institutions
into consideration," answered Mayor Rokach.
In reply Rabbi Abramowicz asked, "Why does the municipality
trouble itself to clean and maintain the City Zoo? The
animals also don't have any representation in the
Rokach heard him and acquiesced.
Years later Chaim Levanon was the mayor and Rabbi Abramowicz
was one of the vice mayors. In those days there was no deputy
mayor and if the mayor was unavailable he would appoint one
of the vice mayors to fill his place. The mayor once spent a
month abroad and delegated Rabbi Abramowicz to take over.
This occurred during Nisan, when the Herut party was holding
its convention in Tel Aviv.
Rabbi Abramowicz came to the convention to greet the
participants as acting mayor. In his speech he quoted the
posuk about the korbon Pesach. "`And you shall
take the blood . . . and put it on the lintel.' The Herut
movement has shed blood for Eretz Yisroel. I hope that
you reach the lintel," he addressed the participants.
Twenty years later when Menachem Begin formed his first
government in 5737 (1977) and left the Knesset podium after
being appointed prime minister, he approached the first row
of Members of the Knesset, turned to Rabbi Abramowicz and
said, "We've reached the lintel!"
End of Part I
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