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A special interview with HaRav Henoch Cohen, who has been
director of Chinuch Atzmai in America for 50 years
Part 2
These two interviews cover the history of Chinuch Atzmai,
and how the gedolei Yisroel, led by HaRav Aaron
Kotler, joined the battle for the souls, faith and
religiosity of the Jewish children in the Holy Land. Rav
Henoch Cohen was the center of the American office of the
Chinuch Atzmai from the start, and here he tells his
HaRav Aharon Kotler: "We have no Beis Hamikdosh. We have no
Temple Service. The only holy work that we have left today is
to educate Jewish children to Torah and mitzvos. And when the
government makes edicts and does everything in its power to
prevent Jewish children from learning Torah, then we need to
be ready for complete mesirus nefesh, literally."
The very first meeting when Chinuch Atzmai was officially
launched as an organization was at the beginning of Sivan,
5713 (1953). The vast majority of teachers were fired from
their official positions as teachers during the transition to
the new framework from a government-supported "stream" of
education to an independent organization, as the government
took over all education as mamlachti. That summer
HaRav Aharon Kotler was staying in Eretz Yisroel.
He called a meeting of all the principals who had previously
worked in "the Fourth Stream." The meeting was held in Tel
Reb Aharon delivered a fiery and emotional address. He
brought down the gemora in maseches Taanis,
that at the time of the destruction of the Beis Hamikdosh,
the kohanim and the leviim remained on duty
at their sacred avodoh, even for the one extra moment,
which meant that they died for the Sanctification of the Holy
Asked Reb Aharon: "But are there not only three sins which a
person has to die rather than transgress, and surely carrying
out the avodoh in the Beis Hamikdosh was not
one of them?"
He answered that since the work involved the Holy Service of
Hashem (avodoh meleches Hashem) it was forbidden to
lose even one more minute of that sacred work, since this was
the end of the service because of the churban.
Mesirus Nefesh, Literally
Today, Reb Aharon continued, we have no Beis Hamikdosh.
We have no avodoh. The only holy work that we have
left today is to educate Jewish children to keep Torah and
mitzvos. And when the government makes edicts and does
everything in its power to prevent Jewish children from
learning Torah, then we have to be ready for complete
mesirus nefesh, literally.
Reb Aharon's powerful presentation was listened to most
attentively by all principals and teachers of the chadorim
and the schools, with the exception of one school in Beer
Sheva. Therefore, "when my wife came back to Israel after she
had completed her studies in Gateshead, she and two of her
friends got to work to set up the Chinuch Atzmai school in
Beer Sheva," said Reb Henoch Cohen.
That summer, Reb Aharon arrived at the home of the Brisker
Rav, who called Rav Chaim Salomon the son-in-law of the
Charkov Rov, and they took out a loan from him in the huge
amount of eighty thousand lirot, opened a bank account and
deposited the money — so that they would be able to pay
the first of the teachers' salaries.
As soon as Reb Aharon arrived back in New York, he called an
emergency meeting, which was held at the yeshiva Torah Vodaas
building in Williamsburg. "Who do you think came to that
meeting? Baalei batim? Rich Jews? Not at all! It was
the alter Mir people who came, relatively recent
refugees who were very poor, some of whom had positions in
yeshivas and some of whom had not. But when Reb Aharon called
a meeting about anything major that pertained to religious
affairs in Eretz Yisroel, they all came.
"All those who were present undertook to pay or raise fifty
dollars a month. They even signed a formal shtar
"There was a bank manager, a chareidi Jew, who took all the
promissory notes and swapped them for cash, and that is how
the first ten thousand dollars was raised for Chinuch
"Reb Aharon had demanded mesirus nefesh from all the
teachers in Israel, but he also left money behind him before
he left for America. And as soon as he came back he demanded
the same mesirus nefesh from the chareidi community
over here. I will let you in on a secret: two years later,
when I began working with Rebbe Aharon, all the loans had
still not been paid back to Reb Chaim Solomon."
To Be Absolutely Independent
The issue of whether to create a link between Chinuch Atzmai
and Agudas Yisroel had already come up on the agenda even in
those early days. All the gedolim were of the opinion
that there must be absolutely no partnership between the two,
and that Chinuch Atzmai had to be entirely independent. Even
with regard to the location of the Chinuch Atzmai office,
there were those who wanted it to be incorporated within the
Agudas Yisroel office in America, but the gedolim
thought otherwise.
When R' Aharon Kotler asked me to open an office in New York
for Chinuch Atzmai, there were 3 other offices already there,
one in the office of the Agudas HaRabonnim, the second in the
office of Va'ad HaYeshivos, and the third in Agudas Yisroel
of Ameruca. I opened the independent office and within
several months, Rav Aharon, zt"l, worked to close the other
two offices. He did the same exact thing in Eretz Yisroel.
When he took the money that the Brisker Rav got for Chinuch
Atzmai as a loan, he opened an account for Chinuch Atzmai
with the Lutzker Rav, the Beis Yisroel, R' Yechezkel Sarna
and R' Yechezkel Abramsky as the authorized signatories to
insure Chinuch Atzmai independence.
As Reb Henoch told us in the first part, during the initial
period of his work for Chinuch Atzmai in America, he was in
Israel for several weeks during bein hazmanim. One
erev Shabbos, Rebbe Aharon phoned him, and it was
clear from the conversation that he was extremely
"He told me, that he had heard that at the Sinai school in
Tel Aviv the spirit had changed somewhat, and they were
planning to open a 9th grade class, as the beginning of a
high school [with secular subjects]. `That is not what we are
working for! That is not why we set up Chinuch Atzmai! No,
this will never be! Reb Henoch, go into the Gerrer Rebbe, to
the Lutzker Rov, to the rosh yeshiva of Chevron, to HaRav
Yechezkel Abramsky, and tell them what I think.'
"I said to him: `I see that this matter is very important to
you. But who am I, a young bochur, that I should
presume to the gedolim and speak to them about this
"He answered me like this: `I have already sent a letter to
the Lutzker Rov about this. I told him you are coming to
Israel, and I told him what your role is, and that I have
given you the authority to take care of this matter on my
"I have been looking for that letter for fifty years. I went
to Rebbe Elchonon Sorotzkin (the son of the Lutzker Rov) for
it, but the letter was not there. But recently his son R' Ben
Zion brought me the letter. He told me that there are many
letters that the Lutzker Rov kept hidden away, because he was
afraid of the government finding them."
Reb Henoch indeed went in to see the gedolim, and he
had a particular comment to make on his visit to the Gerrer
Rebbe. "His perspective on Chinuch Atzmai was exactly on a
par with Rebbe Aharon's. Both had the same desire and
ambition for Chinuch Atzmai to be entirely independent. And
both shared the same opinion on the opening of high schools.
Both objected with the same fierce determination to that
dreadful notion."
The Vishnitzer Rebbe, the author of Imrei Chaim, also
developed a special relationship with Chinuch Atzmai. He
called on his main followers to fully support Chinuch
Reb Henoch recalls a meeting that was held at the home of the
well-known diamond merchant Reb Shlomo Goldfinger, which was
attended by both the Gerrer Rebbe and the Vishnitzer
A Uniquely Warm Relationship
"It was right after Rebbe Aharon passed away that HaRav
Shraga Grossbard was brought in to run Chinuch Atzmai. The
Vishnitzer Rebbe committed himself to raising twenty-five
thousand dollars. A few of my friends who are Vishnitzer
Chassidim told me: `We are helping you because we have
instructions from the Rebbe. He told us to help you out and
give a donation to Chinuch Atzmai.'"
In the shtieblach of the Gerrer Chassidim as well,
appeals were held for Chinuch Atzmai under orders from the
Rebbe, the author of the Beis Yisroel.
Reb Henoch also described the special warm treatment he was
given by all the gedolim and Chassidic rebbes in
America, whenever it came to any matter that concerned
Chinuch Atzmai. That was how it was with the Boyaner Rebbe
zt"l, for instance, who undertook an annual donation
to Chinuch Atzmai.
Reb Henoch felt quite uncomfortable going to him and asking
for the money, but then the Rebbe called Rebbe Aharon to ask
why no one had come to pick up the money. "When I went to
him, he greeted me with a smile and a special warmth."
On one of his first trips to Israel, Reb Henoch made a
stopover in London and stayed for Shabbos. When he heard that
HaRav Abramsky was there, he rushed over to see him to report
what was being done for Chinuch Atzmai. There too he was also
treated to an extremely warm and special welcome. "It was the
first time that I had gone in to him," relates Reb Henoch,
"And I saw right off how devoted he was to that matter."
Reb Henoch has a photocopy of the post office check that the
Belzer Rebbe gave him right after Chinuch Atzmai came into
being. "At the time we went to him to get his signature for
the Chinuch Atzmai Kol Korei, but he signed and said,
`A person cannot discharge his obligation with just a
signature.' Then he took out that post office check, his
contribution to the enormous educational system that had been
built in Eretz Yisroel."
In the Middle of the Fast
After Reb Aharon passed away, who undertook the
responsibility to support Chinuch Atzmai?
Reb Henoch: "There is no doubt that without Reb Aharon,
Chinuch Atzmai would not have come into being. But he paved
the way for us. He showed everyone what had to be done, and
how it should be done. And there are people who give money to
Chinuch Atzmai to this day because of Rebbe Aharon's
influence. And not just them, but also the children of people
who had been told by Rebbe Aharon about the tremendous
significance of Chinuch Atzmai, still give money for this
"After Reb Aharon passed away, I went to HaRav Moshe
Feinstein, who immediately took the responsibility upon
himself. He did many things in fulfillment of this obligation
that were not in his nature to do. He called certain wealthy
Jews to come to his home, and authorized me to speak on his
behalf. He appealed to people he would otherwise never have
applied to for funds. He turned to all kinds of people,
whether they were close or far, to whomever he possibly
"I remember once that R' Fishel Gelernter came to America. It
was on Asoro BeTeves, right in the middle of the fast. It was
during a heavy snowfall too. Reb Moshe came with us, together
with HaRav Yaakov Kamenetsky and the Kapishnitzer Rebbe, to
meet three wealthy Jews. It was no simple task for them. All
three were of an advanced age. Yet they went out in the
freezing cold with enormous dedication, and on a fast day, to
do all they could for Chinuch Atzmai.
"During the final days of the Kapishnitzer Rebbe, Rebbe
Avrohom Yehoshua Heschel zt"l, I did not want to
disturb him anymore. He suffered a lot from heart disease.
But one of his sons, Rebbe Zussia, phoned and said to me, `My
father is extremely upset about your not calling him, and not
coming round to take him to the baalei batim to ask
them for donations. He is still living! He is still here! And
he wants to keep working and doing! Why do you not come
around anymore? He really does not live for himself. He lives
for others.'
"It is rare to see that kind of dedication."
A Question of Kovod HaTorah
Reb Henoch relates that for years he observed that same type
of behavior in Reb Aharon. "On one occasion, when Reb Aharon
was about to leave for Eretz Yisroel, his Rebbetzin
asked me if I would buy him a hat and gave me twenty-five
dollars for it. Reb Aharon heard about this and told me:
`What is wrong with the hat I have now? Twenty-five dollars!
That is enough to support one Jew for a whole week. And we
should put out that amount now to buy a hat?'
"I answered him like this: `The Rebbetzin thinks that if the
Rosh Yeshiva arrives in Eretz Yisroel with this hat,
then there is an issue that involves kovod haTorah. If
there is a question of kovod haTorah, then it would
seem that the rosh yeshiva should go with an appropriate hat.
I cannot give a psak on this matter, but if the
Rebbetzin thinks that, then she is probably right.' Reb
Aharon listened and gave his consent, and then I brought him
the new hat."
One day Reb Henoch went with Reb Aharon to Manhattan to get
measured for a new suit. "He asked me not to tell anybody,
for he was really embarrassed about having to waste half-an-
hour getting measured for a suit. The thing is, he was about
to travel to Eretz Yisroel, and he had been told that
it was extremely hot there and that it was not a good idea
for him to wear his usual suit. `If I have to do it, I will
do it. But I ask you to make sure that no one knows about it.
I am really embarrassed about having to waste time on such a
thing.' "
Reb Henoch relates that even before he took on the job, one
of Rebbe Aharon's talmidim, Rebbe Shmerel Shulman,
used to accompany him everywhere during the three days that
he was in New York City. "He told me that at every conference
that Reb Aharon attended, even if the meeting had been called
for other purposes, he would unfailingly bring up the subject
of Chinuch Atzmai.
"Whether it was a conference of Agudas Yisroel, or Torah
Umesora, or whatever it was, the main thing was that Chinuch
Atzmai should be on the agenda. Everywhere he went he talked
about Chinuch Atzmai. And all this was because his father-in-
law HaRav Isser Zalman Meltzer had told him that the entire
future of Eretz Yisroel depended on it."
A Special Director is Needed
When Chinuch Atzmai was founded, Rebbe Hillel Lieberman
zt"l undertook to run the organization. It was not
because he desired the position, since he was also at the
same time responsible for the administration of the Bais
Yaakov Seminary. It was just that since no full-time director
had been found to run the Chinuch Atzmai system, Rav
Lieberman had to run it.
"Reb Aharon always said that Chinuch Atzmai needed a director
of its own, and therefore HaRav Pinchas Dovid Freudiger, the
son-in-law of the Pressburg Rav, was appointed. Reb Aharon
also brought in Rabbi Menachem Porush to raise funds for
Chinuch Atzmai, as well as to help develop the institution
and open up new schools. Both sat together in one
room—Rav Freudiger, who was in charge of the
administrative system as a whole, and Rabbi Porush beside
"The first year that I started working for Chinuch Atzmai, I
heard Reb Aharon express a desire to place one of the Agudas
Yisroel Knesset members in charge of government lobbying on
behalf of anything that concerned Chinuch Atzmai. He said:
`Chinuch Atzmai is large enough and significant enough to
justify having a Knesset member working for it on a steady
basis.' For that same reason, after Rav Freudiger, Reb Aharon
brought in Reb Yitzchok Meir (who later served as mayor of
Bnei Brak) to direct Chinuch Atzmai. He said that he had the
clout to help Chinuch Atzmai as a result of his government
One particular Thursday, when he had already returned to
Lakewood, he asked me to come over because he needed to send
telegrams to Israel and he wanted to make sure that they
would arrive in Israel before Shabbos. In those telegrams, he
requested that Rabbi Menachem Porush be placed on the Agudas
Yisroel list for the Knesset. There were candidates
representing all the various circles, and Reb Aharon was
always pushing for Rabbi Porush to be an MK so that he would
always be available to act for Chinuch Atzmai. He also felt
that, as a member of the Knesset Rabbi Porush could raise
more funds from donors."
Two Apples in His Pocket
Here it should be noted that Rabbi Porush would go overseas
every year to raise funds. He would go right after Chanukah,
and come back erev Pesach. "I remember that he would
take two apples in his pocket when he went back, one for his
father and one for the Brisker Rov, so they would have
something to make charoses out of," relates Reb
"The first time I went to Eretz Yisroel, Reb Aharon told me
that in addition to the gedolim, with whom I was
supposed to meet, I should go and see three other people, for
he said that those people would carry a tremendous
responsibility in the next generation: HaRav Shlomo Wolbe
zt"l, HaRav Shraga Grossbard zt"l and HaRav
Chaim Shaul Karelitz zt"l. Even when he was alive, Reb
Aharon would speak of Rebbe Shraga whom he insisted must be
appointed as the director of Chinuch Atzmai."
After the passing of HaRav Aharon and of the Lutzker Rov,
Chinuch Atzmai's situation became critical. "I went to Israel
with a large delegation headed by the American gedolim,
HaRav Yaakov Kamenetsky, HaRav Schneur Kotler, and HaRav
Yaakov Ruderman, who came to meet with the Israeli
gedolim, to see how Chinuch Atzmai could be sustained
from this point on. HaRav Yechezkel Abramsky arranged a
special welcome for the delegation.
Reb Yaakov and Reb Schneur went to see the Ponovezher Rov and
begged him to allow Reb Shraga Grossbard to leave the yeshiva
and run Chinuch Atzmai. Anyone who was aware of the powerful
bond between them, knew that it was far from simple to get
his consent for this. However, as I noted earlier, even when
Reb Aharon was alive, he had spoken of how crucial it was to
get Reb Shraga to come in and run the institution."
Rebbe Henoch has some remarkable stories to tell, of how the
gedolim and rosh yeshivos in America grasped right
away how great a personality Reb Shraga was, and what a great
talmid chochom he was, and they would frequently get
together with him just for the pleasure of speaking with him
in learning. That was another reason why they went out of
their way to support him and accompany him on his visits to
various philanthropists. As a case in point, whenever Reb
Shraga arrived in New York, Reb Boruch Sorotzkin would
quickly rush over to stay with him for two days, and
accompany him to every possible place.
The Talmidos Collected Money
R' Henoch goes on to tell us an interesting story which
further illustrates the immense significance which Reb Aharon
Kotler attached to Chinuch Atzmai, and how he placed this
subject at the head of his list of priorities.
"We began to regularly organize appeals in the schools here
in America, and Reb Aharon even asked that the girls
themselves go out collecting money for Chinuch Atzmai. He
said that there was no greater chinuch for them than
that: getting them to feel a responsibility for, and have a
share in, the pure chinuch of Jewish children, and it
would surely penetrate them deeply as well.
"On one particular day I wanted to organize an appeal at the
Rambam school in Brooklyn. Then suddenly I was called in to a
din Torah by HaRav Moshe Feinstein. The Pe'elim had
summoned me to a din Torah, claiming that I had taken
over the appeal that they were to make at that school. The
hearing was arranged for Tuesday at ten in the morning. The
night before, when Reb Aharon returned home from Lakewood to
Borough Park, I went over to his house and told him about the
din Torah. Reb Aharon said to me: `Henoch, do not go.
"At ten o'clock the next day, Reb Aharon asked me to phone
Reb Moshe. When he answered, Reb Aharon took the phone and
told Reb Moshe: `I heard that Pe'elim have called Henoch to a
din Torah. But actually they should have called me and
not him. Perhaps you reckoned that, since I am the party
concerned in Chinuch Atzmai, I cannot give a ruling in this
matter. Therefore, I suggest that we sit down together and
make the psak.'
"In the end I did organize the appeal, for that is how Rebbe
Aharon wanted to show everyone, as he had always done, that
Chinuch Atzmai was the foremost priority, and only when that
was taken care of, could other causes be helped. For as long
as there are the chareidi schools of Chinuch Atzmai, Pe'elim
will be able to be active and have a place to send children
to learn. But if no schools exist, there is nothing to
On Rebbe Aharon Kotler's final visit to Eretz Yisroel, he
went to speak to HaRav Eliezer Menachem Shach. It was during
the summer, few months before Reb Aharon became ill and
passed away.
"He begged HaRav Shach to join the Chinuch Atzmai
hanholoh. He did and from that time on, HaRav Shach
did not miss a single meeting of Chinuch Atzmai. Beyond the
fact that they were related, there was a very special bond
between them. It was Reb Aharon who also asked HaRav Shach to
join the Moetzes Gedolei Torah. Up till that point HaRav
Shach had never been involved in public affairs, and only
after Rebbe Aharon's passing did he get into the thick of
public affairs."
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