Yeruchom Kehilloh Draws New Kollel Families
by Betzalel Kahn
Following an announcement several weeks ago about a program
to secure a special income supplement for a group of
outstanding avreichim by joining the Torah
kehilloh in Yeruchom, dozens of avreichim have
decided to move to the city.
The kehilloh members, led by HaRav Mordechai Yehuda
Kraus, seek to expand the Torah community founded in Yeruchom
three decades ago with blessings from Maran HaRav Shach
zt"l. In order to alleviate the financial burden on
the bnei Torah tzibbur, a decision was reached to
provide avreichim who join the kehilloh with a
substantial monthly stipend supplement, with no commitment to
purchase an apartment in the project to be built near the
existing kehilloh.
The acceptance committee has already approved a number of
kollel families from among the hundreds of applicants
received. The kehilloh reports that a few more spaces
are still open and further information is available at 052-
7614191 or 08-6589883.