The Elad City Council plenum recently approved the setup of a
municipal company slated to begin operations soon. The
company will be a commercial body under the ownership of the
local council and its primary objective will be to carry out
strategic business enterprises for the local council.
The City Council recently approved a plan to select the nine
representatives on the board based on party distribution.
Following final approval by the Interior Ministry a tender
will be issued for the office of CEO.
The plans for the new company include developing municipal
projects to meet the city's growing needs, such as the
construction of a commercial center to create employment for
the city residents and the setup of a facility for municipal
services and the development of municipal infrastructures in
the area of development and construction work.
City Council Head Rabbi Tzvi Cohen said, "The building and
development of a commercial company is a powerful springboard
for the development of services in the City of Elad with the
hope the plans indeed come to fruition soon for the benefit
of thousands of city residents."