Notorious Katyusha rockets have made headlines. War. Buzzing
cities and holy sites are suddenly transformed into danger
zones. Sirens go off in the mind of the most carefree.
Reservists are called up for duty, IDF troops fight bloody
battles, and the air force wreaks havoc on enemy territory.
Some of us are fretful, others less, every one of us is left
to wonder: What am I to do?
During World War II Rabbi Michoel Ber Weissmandel, famous for
his tireless efforts to save European Jewry, worked on
persuading US army generals to bomb the railroad tracks to
Auschwitz to eliminate the main mode of transporting Jews to
Auschwitz. His pleas fell on deaf ears, but today his
philosophy rings true as ever.
In our current battle we can burn enemy bridges, bomb their
tracks, eliminate Hizbullah bunkers, and intercept enemy
missiles midway. If we dissolve the kitrug, eradicate
loshon hora from our midst, then tzoros have no
stronghold. Missile launchers lose their power — when
we utilize our power of speech properly.
In the words of Rebbetzin Kanievsky: "When approached for the
appropriate topic for a kinus his'orerus in these
perilous times, Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky shlita cited the
statement in the gemora: `The source of all tzoros
is nivul peh. Nivul peh is defined to include
rechilus, loshon hora and curses.' "
Stop the Slander!
Gossip Free Zones is the mission of Mishmeres HaSholom, a
grassroots movement set up to combat slander worldwide. With
40,000 members to date, Mishmeres HaSholom is actively
introducing communities to its shemiras halashon
Mishmeres HaSholom never calls a cease-fire. Battles are
raging, and we will not surrender until we have
conquered the enemy, until every stronghold of machlokes
and loshon hora has been blown up.
As brigade generals announce during ground operations in
Lebanon, "The scope continues to grow, we are advancing."
Through the unique programs developed by Mishmeres HaSholom,
we are steadily advancing towards the goal of a harmonious,
tranquil, slander-free society. Family by family, building
after building, one neighborhood after another, school by
school, one country following the next, this revolution is
changing the face of the global Jewish community.
Victories abound; staggering amounts of conquered territory
do not go unnoticed:
40,000 copies of our monthly magazines are distributed in 5
22,000 active members
2,000 coordinators galvanizing members
2,000 members in outreach organizations
2,000 children members in schools
6,000 books and tapes distributed annually
1,000 new members every month
700 women at annual rally
200-page full-color children's book, coming soon!
500 members attend monthly neighborhood rallies and
17 countries involved, worldwide
While soldiers battle fiercely, coordinators and building
reps. worked tirelessly in the most compelling days of
Bein Hametzorim, creating a united front in this
campaign for achdus. As a result of massive rallies
held for women and children, more and more have joined the
* Over a thousand members have joined in Brachfeld, committed
to the learning of two halachos daily.
* Four hundred women in the Meah Shearim neighborhood joined,
following an inspirational rally. The noted lecturer, herself
inspired by the event, resolved to join as a coordinator in
her neighborhood. Another woman, a mother of seven married
daughters resolved to get them to sign up.
* Beit Shemesh — one rally after another arranged by
fantastic coordinators and reps, is raking in many new
members daily.
* North America/South America — the numbers are
swelling . . .
* In London, women are vying for a chance to combat slander
in their community.
Unlike most battlefields, Mishmeres HaSholom recruits
children for the front lines. Children are our fiercest
warriors. Youngsters will not retire for the night before
learning the halachos with their mothers. Little boys
and girls put the halachos to practice. In a few weeks
over 3,000 new members have joined our staggering membership
records. The battle for every building continues.
Mishmeres HaSholom is out scouting for more volunteer
neighborhood coordinators, building reps. and members. Join
us today and become a partner in our new revolutionary
campaign! The share you will have in spreading shemiras
halashon across the globe is a tremendous zchus
for you and your family! Invest now!
Get Acquainted with Mishmeres Primary Programs:
* Shemiras Haloshon Promotional Program: 2,000 volunteer
neighborhood representatives work to expand the circle of
* Mothers & Children Learning Program: Mothers learn two
halachos with their children, daily; children attend
inspirational rallies; volunteer representatives distribute
learning cards, quizzes, prizes and monthly middoh
In King Achav's days, in spite of the prevalence of the three
cardinal aveiros, Bnei Yisroel were victorious, in the
merit of unity. We at Mishmeres HaSholom have witnessed
miraculous yeshuos. Countless singles have been
married, hundreds of childless have been blessed with healthy
babies, in the zchus of shemiras haloshon and
For information about Mishmeres HaSholom, call our main
office at (02)-537 9160. Brooklyn: 718-234-2206. Monsey: 845-
425-8847. New Square: 845-354-9443. Lakewood: 732-905-9909.
Montreal: 514-271-8021.