To The Editor:
Every levaya is a sad occasion, but none more so than
when there are no fellow Jews to escort the deceased to their
final resting place.
A couple of years ago I saw a notice in a shul in
London asking for men to register as volunteers to make up a
minyan at levayas in unfortunate cases when
there were not many family or friends to make up the numbers.
My immediate reaction was, "Well, it sounds a nice idea, but
not for me to be able to make such a commitment."
Last year I met Rav Gingold, who initiated this program,
walking down the street. When he asked me if I would agree to
register, I gave him my reasons for not doing so, because of
work, etc., and that I would not wish to waste his time with
phone calls for him to receive a negative response from me.
He assured me that they did not mind making fifty calls even
if I could respond positively only once for the odd occasion
when they needed a minyan. Realizing I would lose
nothing to register, I called and gave them my mobile number.
Since then they have called me about four times. I have
managed to attend on three of those occasions.
Contrary to my expectations, I came away from each occasion
inspired by the thought that I had been party to such an
important mitzvah. I should like to ask for the courtesy of
your publication to allow me to urge all Jewish men from
among your esteemed readers in London to do the same and
register. It won't cost them anything and they will have the
satisfaction of quite literally fulfilling the saying, "In a
place where there is no man, try to be a man."
This project has the full support of all local rabbonim and
is dedicated to the memory of the late Dayan Michoel Fisher,
zt"l. Anyone wishing to register can call 020 7790
2394 Mon-Thur 7 a.m.-7 p.m., Fri 7 a.m.-2 p.m. or email to
Yours sincerely,
Refoel Steinhart