Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Chareidi World

3 Shevat 5766 - February 1, 2006 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly










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Home and Family

Inspirational pieces by Avrohom Tzvi Schwartz, author of several books

Money Problems

Do other people owe you money? Do you owe other people money?

The answer for most people — to both questions — is yes. What we forget though, is that the two are linked. As long as we don't pay others, others don't pay us. And even when we have good reasons for withholding payment — we still suffer the consequences. Why should this be so? The Torah calls this "measure for measure" — as we treat the world, so the world treats us.

We cannot always know or see how "measure for measure" works. Still, there are indications, hints for us to follow. We must be sensitive to these hints. For, to bring positive change into our lives, we need to make the first move — and often the second move as well.

This is also true at a practical level. When we avoid paying our debts, an ugly stain spreads on our inner selves. This stain affects our thinking, our self-image, to such a degree, that in subtle ways, others see it as well. Somehow, by being bad-debtors, we attract to ourselves other bad- debtors, and need to suffer the discomfort of their presence.

Paying Your Debts

The best way to rid ourselves of debts is to pay them. We may need to face obstacles, various difficulties, before we do this — but we can do it. First, however, we need to recognize the difficulties. We need to identify the obstacles. Here are the two main problems:

(1) A lack of money — this seems to be the most obvious reason for not paying our debts. But often, it isn't a true obstacle. For, when we begin to pay our debt, even a little at a time, we find that it soon disappears. In an almost miraculous way, resources to cover this expense become available, and we can remove our obligation faster than we ever thought possible.

(2) Greed-pride — this is the more real obstacle. In our minds is a belief that others should bow down to us, worship us, and give us their money. As such, if we owe them something, we imagine that at least, they should forgo the debt — they should give it to us as a gift. Our mistake though, is that if we really want others to elevate us, we need to elevate them first — and step one of this is to pay our debts.


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