Shema Beni, headed by HaRav Moshe Goldstein the rosh yeshiva
of Yeshivas Shaarei Yosher, is operating evening study halls
for youths and adolescents. The goal: study bechavrusa,
classes, lectures and Jewish content.
The Shema Beni Education Guidance Center recently began
running two study halls for chareidi youths not studying in
yeshivas. The two study halls, one for youths and the other
for adolescents, are located in Jerusalem. The Center is
planning to open other study halls in other parts of the
The goal is to get the youth to take part in chavrusa
study, lectures, classes, discussion groups and social
activities, based on Shema Beni's unique approach. Since the
study halls began operation, dozens of youths of various ages
have been attending. Some have returned to full-time study in
Last Monday evening 23 Teves, when HaRav M. Goldstein the
rosh yeshiva of Shaarei Yosher returned from the U.S., the
Center held the study halls' dedication and mezuza-
affixing ceremony. Guests during the ceremony included
HaRav Boruch Shmuel Deutsch, a rosh yeshiva in Kol
Torah, HaRav Benzion Gutfarb, a rosh mesivta in
HaMasmidim yeshiva, and HaRav Pinchos Wind, the chairman of
the Chaim Shel Torah organization.
The participants all expressed their appreciation for Shema
Beni and its director. HaRav Deutsch said that the Center
under Rav Goldstein's leadership runs according to da'as
Torah and all the accepted standards of Torah education,
without infusing foreign content and practices.
HaRav Gutfarb said that the Center was needed for many years,
and its founding will undoubtedly save many souls. HaRav Wind
recalled the words of the Belzer Rebbe on the importance of
being active in holy endeavors and especially saving lost
individuals, even if it takes away from one's regular
learning time.
HaRav Goldstein expressed his hope that the study halls which
were just dedicated will attract many youths to study Torah
and will return the hearts of sons to their fathers. "We are
just at the beginning, and G-d willing, we will set up
additional study halls for parents and educators," he
The Shema Beni Guidance Center was founded by HaRav Goldstein
to unite under one roof all the existing professional forces
in the chareidi community which deal with education.
Educators with specializations, teachers, melamdim,
roshei yeshivos, mashgichim, educational staff and
organizations active in preventing dropping-out, all consult
regularly with the Center.
The Center began operating a telephone hotline two months ago
in the evening hours to provide counselling and guidance. The
hotline is manned by educators who were trained by HaRav
Goldstein. The Center keeps in contact with callers until
their issue is resolved. The Center has many volunteers in
the field of education and family who were drafted to assist
as needed by the hotline.