Child Healthcare Project at Jerusalem Kindergartens
by Betzalel Kahn
The City of Jerusalem's Department for Public Health, in
cooperation with the Department for Chareidi Education, is
running a Childcare Health project aimed at instilling
children with an appreciation for proper oral hygiene and
good nutrition. The experimental program, adapted to
accommodate the chareidi public, is being implemented by a
staff of observant nurses and rhythm teachers.
To prepare for the project, the City, working in cooperation
with Keren Devorah, modified the Tipat Chalav (early
childcare) station in Ramat Shlomo. Low sinks were installed
for brushing teeth, tables and chairs were adapted to fit
kindergarten children, and a model was made to teach about
the Four Food Groups.
Groups of 20 children accompanied by a kindergarten teacher
and an aide arrive at the Tipat Chalav (early childcare)
station in Ramat Shlomo, where the children watch a puppet
show and a presentation using a miniature store and pharmacy.
The children learn how to make breakfast with an emphasis on
the Four Food Groups and learn about proper brushing.
Following hands-on activities, the program continues at the
kindergartens when the staff of nurses and rhythm teachers
come for a visit.
The Childcare Health project is being carried out as part of
Mayor Rabbi Uri Lupoliansky's emphasis on healthcare and
dental health at educational institutions. The Mayor says the
City views healthcare as an important issue to be taught at
an early age, since health problems can cause learning
delays. Heightened awareness of the issue can prevent
unpleasant situations as well as unnecessary waste of time
and money at later stages.
The program is currently being carried out as a pilot project
at chareidi kindergartens in the Ramat Shlomo neighborhood.
Parents and educators acclaimed the program and now plans are
in the works to use it as a model for implementing the
program in other parts of the city in the near future. During
the coming weeks the project will be inaugurated at a festive
ceremony at the Family Health Station in Ramat Shlomo to be
attended by public figures, prominent educators, the director
of the city's Public Health Department and the director of
the Chareidi Education Department.