Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

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3 Shevat 5766 - February 1, 2006 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly










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Europe Continues to Send Money to PA Despite Hamas Win

by Arnon Yaffeh, Paris and M Plaut

The Europeans decided on Monday to go ahead and send a monthly contribution of 35 million Euro to the PA to pay PA salaries and "humanitarian aid" even before Hamas meets their stipulations to recognize the State of Israel, to abandon terror and to honor international agreements and commit to negotiations. Many seasoned observers in Washington believe that Washington will also find a way to continue sending money, at least for the immediate future to see how Hamas will behave when it publicly holds the reins of power.

Ittim reported that Hamas leader Mahmoud al-Zaher said that Hamas might be willing to sign a long-term hudna with Israel under the right conditions.

At a conference in Brussels EU foreign ministers issued instructions to release a sum of 35 million Euros recently withheld following revelations of corruption, and not to meet demands by the US and Israel to stop the transfer of the funds.

European Union Foreign Policy Chief Javier Solana reiterated the conditions Monday morning before a meeting of EU foreign ministers, saying that Hamas would not receive a single Euro from Europe if it did not change, but French diplomats said the Palestinian population should not be punished and left to starve. Eventually a notice was drafted to read that aid "for Palestinian economic development would continue at present until the Hamas government is set."

When the conference ended in the evening the foreign ministers threatened to stop even the annual aid money if the Hamas does not meet the requirements. As expected, however, the Europeans quickly retreated in the face of the new political reality and blackmailing by the new leaders in the Territories, crying out against alleged attempts to starve the Palestinians.

European nations are also operating independently. The Belgian Minister of Cooperation said he froze all contracts with the PA until the situation becomes clearer and Hamas recognizes Israel. France proposed sending the money to non- government organizations, i.e. directly to Fatah or Abu Mazen. In the meantime Saudi Arabia sent the PA Chairman $100 million.

The Hamas victory is turning into a money problem. The Palestinians knew how to blackmail the West with the threat of bringing more extreme groups into power and even now that the extremists are in power the threat continues to frighten the West.

However, against the backdrop of a recession in Europe that has left millions unemployed and newly impoverished people hungry and homeless, freezing in the cold, the Europeans are finding it difficult to continue justifying sending millions of Euros to what now appears to be a dictatorial terrorist organization. Even pro-Palestinians and pro-Islamists are unable to cast Hamas in a positive light since the organization is identified with the suppression of freedom and of all Western culture. Sharia (Islamic law) on the inside and terror on the outside.

Attempts by Hamas leaders to portray themselves as moderates were lampooned in one political cartoon depicting them as veiled terrorists wearing a green tie and a suicide bomber's suit.

Intelligence services predict that if funding continues to flow into the PA, Hamas will take control of the money — following a putsch and the deposition of PA Chairman Abu Mazen if he tries to prevent them from seizing control — and impose sharia on the Palestinians.

Even if the money does not come through, the scenario is likely to take place. It appears doubtful they will coexist and allow him to remain in office until his term ends in 2009. Hamas will inevitably turn to Iran and Saudi Arabia for assistance. But the European governments are not asking taxpayers for their opinion on the matter.

Every year Brussels officially donates 500 million Euros to the Palestinian core budget. This money was originally intended to strengthen Arafat and his security forces, thereby allowing them to halt the Hamas. In reality it was funneled directly into his secret bank accounts and used for his own terrorist activities. Even when it was discovered that their money had been wasted, the aid was not discontinued due to fears that Hamas would rise to power and Europe would lose its influence in the Middle East.

The Americans also sent money to advance democracy against the Islamists. Now that the Islamists have risen to power other excuses are being offered and convoluted ways sought to continue sending money to the Territories without making it appear as a direct contribution to the Hamas. "If we halt aid the Iranians will come with their own money," cried The Washington Post, echoing the old train of thought that led to the funding of Arafat's terrorism and corruption and Hamas' rise to power. Some commentators say that the Iranians have already arrived together with the Hamas.

The uncertainty following the Hamas victory and the threats to halt funding are seen as an admission of the failure of Western policies intended to prevent an Islamic takeover of the Territories with the support of Arafat and his PA allies. The West supported one terrorist organization, under the delusion that it would suppress another terrorist organization.

According to the Wall Street Journal the Fatah factions that Arafat led fed the Palestinians a steady diet of terrorism, extremism and antisemitic propaganda since his arrival in the Territories. Under Arafat's guidance the armed factions assassinated Palestinian moderates and allowed Hamas to use terrorism as a weapon to kill Israelis and to blackmail Europeans. Only after Arafat allowed the Hamas to murder 452 Israelis did the Israeli and US governments abandon him as a peace partner.

The Wall Street Journal says Israel and the US are to blame for the rise of Hamas through their agreements with Fatah to suppress Hamas, believing Arafat would be able to handle the Islamists unhindered as he was by the fetters imposed by Israeli High Court judges. Instead he used them to serve his murderous aims.

Now the US government will have to overcome the temptation to pressure Israel into negotiations with Hamas with the encouragement of Europe, which pressured Israel to get along with Arafat. If Hamas uses Gaza for weapons storage and launching attacks against Israel the US will have to back Israel's right to defend itself. And if the Hamas, an organization with many heads, chooses to become more moderate without abandoning its aim of destroying Israel they will have to wait until the Palestinians throw them out.

Most important of all is that the US make it clear to the Palestinians that they have no future in terrorism.


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