Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Chareidi World

12 Sivan 5766 - June 8, 2006 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly










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Eiland Calls Disengagement "Missed Opportunity of Historic Proportions"

By G. Lazer and E. Rauchberger

Outgoing National Security Council Chief Giora Eiland told Ha'aretz in an interview the disengagement from the Gaza Strip was "a missed opportunity of historical proportions." Gen. (Res.) Eiland is ending his term after two- and-a-half years, to be replaced by former Mossad Deputy Chief Ilan Mizrachi.

Eiland also said, "Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's Convergence Plan will not bring stability to the Middle East. A solution of two states between the Jordan and the sea cannot be implemented in a way that would ensure regional stability." Eiland believes all of the strategic decisions Israel made regarding the Palestinians, from the peace treaty with Egypt through the Disengagement Plan, have been flawed. He proposed an alternative plan that would include territorial exchanges with Egypt and Jordan.

MK Rabbi Avrohom Ravitz (UTJ) sent a letter to MK Tzachi Hanegbi (Kadima) requesting a meeting of the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Security Committee to discuss Eiland's remarks. "In the interview Eiland lodges piercing criticism of the Disengagement Plan, the way strategic security decisions have been made in recent years in Israel, and even claims the Convergence Plan as it currently appears would bring about the collapse of Israeli society and threats such as rocket fire on Jerusalem, etc.," writes Rabbi Ravitz. "In my opinion this is a political-security bombshell and I ask that the issue be raised for discussion in the committee plenum as soon as possible. I also request that Prime Minister Mr. Ehud Olmert, Defense Minister Mr. Amir Peretz and Gen. (Res.) Giora Eiland be summoned to this discussion."

MK Ran Cohen (Meretz) then announced he would contact Foreign Affairs and Security Committee Chairman Tzachi Hanegbi to demand he summon Eiland to the committee meeting to assess the faulty handling of security matters by Israeli governments. MK Cohen says, "Such significant steps cannot be taken without a serious debate and without looking at the alternatives and the anticipated results. Only the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee can conduct a serious debate on the subject and dictate to the government how to build a strategy."

Following Eiland's remarks on the Disengagement and its inherent dangers Atty. Yossi Fuchs, a leader of the legal battle against the Disengagement, is weighing the possibility of turning to the State Comptroller or the High Court to demand it examine how the legal system concealed Eiland's critical stances from the High Court judges when the petition against the Disengagement was pending and avoided submitting a security declaration based on the pretext the diplomatic consideration was sufficient basis for the decision.

Yisrael Beiteinu Chairwoman MK Esterina Tratman said, "The Disengagement was a fundamental mistake. The direct outcome, the Convergence, is another mistake whose future we can only speculate on and which appears far graver. No longer Sederot and southern towns but Jerusalem and Netanya will be under daily fire."

MK Professor Aryeh Eldad (HaIchud HaLeumi) said, "Olmert is repeating the mistakes of the Disengagement Plan and is selling another [plan] to the goyim before the Jews have thought about it. I have no doubt Ahmadinejad would welcome the Convergence as well. The National Security Council must lead an orderly process of debate and conclusions before Olmert commits to the world to [advance] a disastrous plan."


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