Amendment to Require Products to be Labeled Milchig,
Fleishig or Pareve
by Eliezer Rauchberger
The Knesset Finance Committee gave approval to table for
second and third readings an amendment to the Kashrus Fraud
Law according to which manufacturers, importers and retailers
would be required to label every product milchig,
fleishig or pareve.
According to the current law kosher products must be labeled
as such, including the stamp of the organization providing
the kashrus certificate, but there is no obligation to mark
them milchig, fleishig or pareve. The
current proposal, initiated by MK Uri Ariel (HaIchud
HaLeumi), would rectify the matter.
MK Ariel said the proposed law, which follows numerous
complaints by consumers, is intended to spare consumers from
deception and stumbling blocks.